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implements IEffectObserver native dependsOn ( SingleplayerGameInfo )

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Gameplay.Rook

Direct Known Subclasses:

BaseDevice, MPActor, Ragdoll, SkeletalRook, Vehicle, VehicleMountedTurret

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pawn
abilities, AccelRate, AirControl, AirSpeed, AIScriptTag, AI_LOD_Level, AI_LOD_LevelOrig, Alertness, Anchor, AnimAction, AppliedBob, AvgPhysicsTime, BackwardStrafeBias, bAdjacentZoneHearing, bAmbientCreature, BaseEyeHeight, BaseMovementRate, bAvoidLedges, bCachedRelevant, bCanBeBaseForPawns, bCanClimbLadders, bCanCrouch, bCanDoubleJump, bCanFly, bCanJump, bCanStrafe, bCanSwim, bCanWalk, bCanWalkOffLedges, bClientCollision, bCouldSeeLastTick, bCountJumps, bCrawler, bDirectHitWall, bDontPossess, bGroundNavigationObstruction, bHavokCharacterCollisionExtraRadius, bHavokCharacterCollisions, bHavokInitCalled, bHideRegularHUD, bIgnoreForces, bInitializeAnimation, bInvulnerableBody, bIsCrouched, bIsFemale, bIsTyping, bIsWalking, bJumpCapable, bJustLanded, BlendChangeTime, BloodEffect, bLOSHearing, bMuffledHearing, bNoJumpAdjust, bNotifiedDeathListeners, bNoVelocityUpdate, bNoWeaponFiring, Bob, bobtime, bPhysicsAnimUpdate, bPlayedDeath, BreathTime, bReducedSpeed, bRollToDesired, bSameZoneHearing, bSendsDamagedMessages, bSimGravityDisabled, bSimulateGravity, bSpecialCalcView, bSpecialHUD, bSteadyFiring, bStopAtLedges, bThumped, bTryToUncrouch, bUpAndOut, bUpdateEyeHeight, bUpdatingDisplay, bUseCompressedPosition, bWantsToCrouch, bWarping, bWasCrouched, bWasOnGround, bWasWalking, bWeaponBob, CharacterAI, ConstantAcceleration, Controller, ControllerClassName, CrouchedPct, CrouchHeight, CrouchRadius, DamageScaling, DesiredSpeed, DestinationOffset, EyeHeight, Floor, ForwardStrafeBias, goals, GroundSpeed, HeadAI, HeadScale, HeadVolume, Health, HearingThreshold, HitDamageType, JumpZ, LadderSpeed, LandBob, LandMovementState, LastAnchor, LastPainSound, LastPainTime, LastRealViewer, LastStartSpot, LastStartTime, LastValidAnchorTime, LastViewer, logDLM, logNavigationSystem, logTyrion, LowGoreBlood, MaxFallSpeed, MeleeRange, MenuName, MovementAI, MovementAnims[4], MovementBlendStartTime, movementSimProxyPending, movementSimProxyPosition, movementSimProxyRotation, movementSimProxyVelocity, NetRelevancyTime, nextPawn, noise1loudness, noise1other, noise1spot, noise1time, noise2loudness, noise2other, noise2spot, noise2time, OldAcceleration, OldPhysics, OldRotYaw, OldZ, OnLadder, OwnerName, PawnPosition, PeripheralVision, PlayerReplicationInfo, ReducedDamageType, SerpentineDist, SerpentineTime, Shadow, SightRadius, SoundDampening, SpawnTime, SplashTime, TakeHitLocation, TearOffMomentum, TurnLeftAnim, TurnRightAnim, UncrouchTime, UnderWaterTime, Visibility, VisionCounter, VisionUpdateRange, WalkBob, WalkingPct, WaterMovementState, WaterSpeed, WeaponAI
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, ActorRenderData, AmbientGlow, AntiPortal, Attached, AttachmentBone, AttachTag, bAcceptsProjectors, bAcceptsShadowProjectors, bActorShadows, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAlwaysZeroBoneOffset, bAnimByOwner, Base, bAutoAlignToTerrain, bBlockActors, bBlockHavok, bBlockKarma, bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces, bBlockPlayers, bBlockZeroExtentTraces, bBounce, bCanBeDamaged, bCanTeleport, bCastsVolumetricShadows, bClientAnim, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bClientHavokPhysics, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCompressedPosition, bCorona, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyInPainVolume, bDirectional, bDisableBspVolumetrics, bDisableEditorCopying, bDisableHavokCollisionWhenAttached, bDisableShadowOptimisation, bDisableSorting, bDisableTick, bDisableTouch, bDisturbFluidSurface, bDoNotApproximateBumpmap, bDynamicLight, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bEnableHavokBackstep, bFixedRotationDir, bGameRelevant, bGetOverlayMaterialFromBase, bGetSkinFromBase, bHardAttach, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdGroup, bHighDetail, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreOutOfWorld, bImportantActor, bInterpolating, bIsMirror, bIsVehicle, bJustTeleported, bLightChanged, bLightingVisibility, bLockLocation, bMovable, bNavigationRelevant, bNeedLifetimeEffectEvents, bNeedPostRenderCallback, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetNotify, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetTemporary, bNetworkRelevancyVisible, bNoDelete, bNoRepMesh, bObsolete, bOnlyAffectCurrentZone, bOnlyAffectPawns, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyDrawIfAttached, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bOverruleNavigationRelevant, bOwnerNoSee, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bProjectile, bProjTarget, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateAnimations, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateLabel, bReplicateMovement, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bScriptInitialized, bSelected, bSendDestructionNotification, bShadowCast, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bShowOctreeNodes, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bSkipEncroachment, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bStaticLighting, bSuperHighDetail, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTimerLoop, bTrailerAllowRotation, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTravel, bTriggerEffectEventsBeforeGameStarts, BumpmapLODScale, bUnifiedPositionChanged, bUnifiedVelocityChanged, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bUseCylinderCollision, bUseDynamicLights, bUseLightingFromBase, bUseRootMotionBound, bVolumetricShadowCast, bWasSNFiltered, bWorldGeometry, CachedLocalToWorld, CachedLocation, CachedRotation, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, CullDistance, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, DrawType, Event, exclusiveToGameInfo, forceAccumulator, ForcedVisibilityZoneTag, ForceRadius, ForceScale, ForceType, gameInfoExclusions, gameInfoInclusions, GravityScale, Group, HardRelMatrix, havokAngularVelocity, HavokData, havokDataClass, havokGameTickForce, havokGameTickForcePosition, havokSkeletalRotationSpeed, InitialState, Instigator, JoinedTag, Label, LastRenderTime, LastTick, LatentAnimChannelCount, LatentFloat, LatentStackLocations, Leaves, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightRenderData, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, maxDifficulty, MaxLights, maxNumPlayers, MaxTraceDistance, Mesh, MeshInstance, MessageClass, minDifficulty, minNumPlayers, movementObject, MovementObjectClass, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OctreeBox, OctreeBoxCenter, OctreeBoxRadii, OctreeNodes, Owner, OwnerGroups, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, Projectors, Region, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, RenderRevision, RepSkin, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, Skins, SoundOcclusion, SpeechTag, StaticFilterState, StaticMesh, StaticMeshInstance, StaticMeshProjectors, StaticSectionBatches, Style, Tag, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, torqueAccumulator, Touching, TriggeredBy, unifiedPosition, unifiedVelocity, UsesSubVisibility, Velocity, XLevel

Enumerations Summary
UP_Unused, UP_NotValid, UP_Valid
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
EDetailMode, EDoubleClickDir, EDrawType, EFilterState, EForceType, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundOcclusion, ETravelType, SocketCoordinates

Structures Summary
objectType, attachmentPoint, objectInstance
Inherited Structures from Engine.Pawn
HavokCharacterObjectInteractionEvent, HavokCharacterObjectInteractionResult
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
ActorRenderDataPtr, AnimRep, BatchReference, HavokRigidBodyState, KRBVec, KRigidBodyState, LightRenderDataPtr, PointRegion, ProjectorRenderInfoPtr, StaticMeshProjectorRenderInfoPtr

Functions Summary
function activatePersonalShield ()))
function addRepairFromDeployable (float repairRate, float accumulationScale))
function addRepairFromPack (float repairRate, float accumulationScale, Character repairer))
function ApplyDamage (Pawn instigatedBy, float Damage, optional Name teamLabel))
functionVector averageVelocity ()
function breakDamageComponent (int index, float damage, vector momentum)
functionbool canBeRepairedBy (Rook otherGuy))
functionbool canBeSensed ()))
functionbool CanBeUsedBy (Character CharacterUser))
function ChunkUp (Rotator HitRotation, class D ))
eventbool cleanupAI ()))
function cleanupDamageComponents ()))
function CleanupSensing ()))
function clientUpdateDamageComponents ()))
function createDamageComponent (int index, bool fadeIn)
function CreateHearingNotifier ()))
function CreateShotNotifier ()))
function CreateVisionNotifier ()))
function damageComponentsOnDamage (float damage, vector hitLocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType)
function damageComponentsOnIncreaseHealth (float quantity)
function damageComponentsPostTakeDamage (float damage, vector hitLocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType, optional float projectileFactor))
function deactivatePersonalShield ()))
function Destroyed ()))
function Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation))
functionstring displayActorLabel (Actor t))
function displayEnemiesList ()))
function displayTyrionDebugHeader ()))
function displayWorldSpaceDebug (HUD displayHUD)
function DrawVisionCone (HUD DrawTarget))
functionbool EffectIsLooping (String effect))
function enumSquadInfo (Engine.LevelInfo l, out Array<SquadInfo> s))
function enumTeamInfo (Engine.LevelInfo l, out Array<TeamInfo> s))
functionIFiringMotor firingMotor ()))
function generateAISpeechEvents (Rook attackerRook ))
functionAlertnessLevels getAlertnessLevel ()))
functionCharacter getControllingCharacter ()))
functionTeamInfo getControllingCharacterTeam ()))
functionfloat GetDamageComponentThresholdRange ()))
functionName getKillerLabel ()))
functionVector GetObjectiveLocation ()))
eventMaterial GetOverlayMaterial (int Index))
functionclass GetRadarInfoClass ()))
functionfloat getTeamDamagePercentage ()))
functionName getTeamLabel ()))
functionVector groundPredictedLocation (float t)
function IncreaseHealth (float quantity))
eventbool isFriendly (Rook otherGuy))
functionbool IsInVisionCone (Actor Other, float SightRadius)
function OnEffectInitialized (Actor effect))
function OnEffectStarted (Actor effect))
function OnEffectStopped (Actor effect, bool completed))
event OnShotFired (Projectile projectile ))
event onTeamChange ()))
functionbool personalShieldActive ()))
functionbool PlayEffect (String effect, optional String tag, optional Actor other, optional Material material, optional Vector location, optional Rotator rotator))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
event PostNetBeginPlay ()))
function PostNetReceive ()))
function PostTakeDamage (float Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional float projectileFactor))
event PreBeginPlay ()))
function PrecacheDamageComponents (LevelInfo Level, class<Rook> RookClass))
functionVector predictedLocation (float t)
event ProcessBurnDamage (float delta))
event ProcessRepair (float delta))
function RegisterHearingNotification (IHearingNotification Registrant))
function RegisterShotNotification (IShotNotification Registrant))
function RegisterVisionNotification (IVisionNotification Registrant))
function removeFlameDamage ()))
function removeRepairFromDeployable (float accumulationScale))
function removeRepairFromPack (float accumulationScale, Character repairer))
function resetPersonalShield ()))
function setAlertnessLevel (AlertnessLevels alertness))
event setLimitedTimeLODActivation (int ticksToKeepActivated ))
function setSquad (SquadInfo squad))
function setTeam (TeamInfo info))
functionbool ShouldBeMarked (PlayerCharacterController pcc))
functionSquadInfo squad ()))
function squadCleanupOnDeath (Pawn InstigatedBy, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation ))
functionbool StartLoopingEffect (String effect, optional String tag, optional Actor other, optional Material material, optional Vector location, optional Rotator rotator))
functionbool StopEffect (String effect))
functionbool StopLoopingEffect (String effect))
functionTeamInfo team ()))
function UnregisterHearingNotification (IHearingNotification Registrant))
function UnregisterShotNotification (IShotNotification Registrant))
function UnregisterVisionNotification (IVisionNotification Registrant))
function updateHavokCollisionFilter ()
function updatePastPositions (float deltaSeconds)
function UpdatePrecacheRenderData ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pawn
AddPawn, AddVelocity, AdjustedStrength, AnimEnd, ApplyDamage, BaseChange, BecomeViewTarget, BeginState, BreathTimer, CanDoubleJump, CanGrabLadder, CannotJumpNow, CanSee, CanSplash, CanThrowWeapon, CanTrigger, ChangeAnimation, ChangedWeapon, checkAlive, CheckBob, checkDead, CheckWaterJump, ChunkUp, classConstruct, ClientDying, ClientMessage, ClientReStart, ClientSetLocation, ClientSetRotation, ClimbLadder, CreateInventory, Destroyed, Died, DisplayDebug, Dodge, DoDoubleJump, DoJump, DrawHUD, DropToGround, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndClimbLadder, EndCrouch, EyePosition, FaceRotation, Falling, FinishedInterpolation, ForceCrouch, Gasp, GetHumanReadableName, GetKillerController, GetViewDirection, GetViewPoint, GetViewRotation, Gibbed, gibbedBy, GiveWeapon, groundPredictedLocation, HavokCharacterCollision, HeadVolumeChange, HitWall, IgnoresSeenPawnsOfType, InCurrentCombo, InGodMode, isAlive, IsFirstPerson, IsHumanControlled, IsInPain, IsLocallyControlled, IsPlayerPawn, JumpOffPawn, JumpOutOfWater, KilledBy, Landed, LandThump, LieStill, LineOfSightTo, ModifyVelocity, NextItem, NotifyKilled, NotifyPawnDeathListeners, PlayDying, PlayDyingSound, PlayFalling, PlayFiring, PlayHit, PlayJump, PlayLanded, PlayLandingAnimation, PlayMoverHitSound, PlayMoving, PlayNextAnimation, PlayTakeHit, PlayTeleportEffect, PlayVictoryAnimation, PlayWaiting, PossessedBy, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostTakeDamage, PreBeginPlay, predictedLocation, PressingAltFire, PressingFire, ReachedDestination, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, ReduceCylinder, rematchGoals, RemovePawn, Reset, SetAnimAction, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetHeadScale, setLimitedTimeLODActivation, SetMesh, SetMovementPhysics, SetViewRotation, SetWalking, ShootSpecial, ShouldCrouch, SpecialCalcView, StartCrouch, StopPlayFiring, SwitchToLastWeapon, TakeDrowningDamage, TakeFallingDamage, Timer, TossWeapon, TouchingWaterVolume, Trigger, UnPossessed, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateRocketAcceleration, WasPlayerPawn, WeaponBob
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
*, +, -, actorLabel, AddContextForNextEffectEvent, AddDebugMessage, AITrace, AllActors, Allocate, AnimBlendParams, AnimBlendToAlpha, AnimEnd, AnimIsInGroup, AnimStopLooping, Attach, AttachToBone, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BoneRefresh, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, Bump, CanSplash, checkSocket, ChildActors, classConstruct, clientDispatchMessage, Clock, CollidingActors, ConsoleCommand, Construct, CurrentLIPSincAnim, DebugClock, DebugUnclock, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachFromBone, dispatchMessage, DisplayDebug, DrawDebugLine, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EnableChannelNotify, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Falling, FastTrace, findByLabel, findStaticByLabel, FinishAnim, FinishedInterpolation, FinishInterpolation, ForceFeedbackSupported, FreezeAnimAt, GainedChild, GetAnimLength, GetAnimParams, GetBoneCoords, GetBoneRotation, GetCacheEntry, GetClosestBone, GetCollisionExtent, GetCurrentMaterial, GetDebugName, GetHumanReadableName, getHurtRadiusParent, GetItemName, GetLIPSincAnimDuration, GetLocalString, GetMapName, GetMaterial, GetMeshName, GetMeshOrigin, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetNotifyChannel, GetOverlayMaterial, GetRadarInfoClass, getReceiveDamageRadius, GetRenderBoundingSphere, GetRootLocation, GetRootLocationDelta, GetRootRotation, GetRootRotationDelta, getSocket, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, GetUrlOption, HasAnim, HasLIPSincAnim, HavokActivate, HavokCollisionGroupChange, HavokGetAngularVelocity, HavokGetCenterOfMass, HavokGetLastTracedBone, HavokGetLinearVelocity, HavokGetPosition, HavokGetState, HavokImpartCOMImpulse, HavokImpartForce, HavokImpartImpulse, HavokImpartLinearForceAll, HavokIsActive, HavokReturnSkeletalActorToAnimationSystem, HavokSetAngularDamping, HavokSetAngularVelocity, HavokSetBlocking, HavokSetCOM, HavokSetGameTickForce, HavokSetLinearDamping, HavokSetLinearVelocity, HavokSetLinearVelocityAll, HavokSetPosition, HavokSetRotation, HavokSlowSetCollisionEnabled, HavokUpdateState, Hide, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterruptSound, IsAnimating, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsPlayingLIPSincAnim, IsTweening, KilledBy, Landed, LinkMesh, LinkSkelAnim, LIPSincAnimEnd, LocalizeMapText, LockRootMotion, LoopAnim, LostChild, makeDormant, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, Move, MoveCacheEntry, MoveSmooth, nearbyControlledPawns, NearSpot, OnGameStarted, OnHidden, OnlyAffectPawns, onMessage, OnOptimizedIn, OnOptimizedOut, OnShown, OptimizeIn, OptimizeOut, PauseSound, PhysicsVolumeChange, PlayAnim, PlayAnimAdditive, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayFeedbackEffect, PlayLIPSincAnim, PlayLoopedSound, PlayMusic, PlayOwnedSound, PlayScriptedAnim, PlaySound, PlayStream, PlayTeleportEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PostTakeDamage, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PrecacheSpeech, PreScriptedTextureRendered, PreTeleport, PreTrigger, processHurtRadiusVictim, ProjectileTouch, RadiusActors, registerClientMessage, registerMessage, RegisterNotifyGameStarted, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, ReplaceText, Reset, ResumeSound, SetAnimFrame, SetBase, SetBoneDirection, SetBoneLocation, SetBoneRotation, SetBoneScale, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetDrawType, SetGRI, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetStaticMesh, SetTimer, ShallowCopyMaterial, ShouldActorsBlockSplash, ShouldProjectileHit, Show, Spawn, SpecialHandling, StartInterpolation, staticActorLabel, StopAllMusic, StopAnimating, StopFeedbackEffect, StopLIPSincAnim, StopMusic, SuggestFallVelocity, TakeDamage, TestMove, Tick, Timer, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActor, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TriggerEffectEvent, TriggerEvent, TweenAnim, UnClock, unifiedAddForce, unifiedAddForceAtPosition, unifiedAddImpulse, unifiedAddImpulseAtPosition, unifiedAddTorque, unifiedAddVelocity, unifiedGetAcceleration, unifiedGetCOMPosition, unifiedGetGravity, unifiedGetMass, unifiedGetNaturalCOMPosition, unifiedGetPosition, unifiedGetVelocity, unifiedSetAcceleration, unifiedSetAngularVelocity, unifiedSetMass, unifiedSetPosition, unifiedSetRotation, unifiedSetVelocity, UnTouch, UnTrigger, UnTriggerEffectEvent, UnTriggerEvent, UpdateAttachmentLocations, UpdatePrecacheRenderData, UpdateURL, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange

Constants Detail


const DAMAGE_OVERKILL = -50.0f;





Variables Detail

AI_LOD_deactivation_exemption_ticks Source code

var int AI_LOD_deactivation_exemption_ticks;

alertness Source code

var AlertnessLevels alertness;

attacker Source code

var Pawn attacker;

bCanRepair Source code

var bool bCanRepair;

bDeferredAICleanup Source code

var bool bDeferredAICleanup;

bShowJSDebug Source code

var bool bShowJSDebug;

bShowLOADebug Source code

var bool bShowLOADebug;

bShowNavigationDebug Source code

var bool bShowNavigationDebug;

bShowSensingDebug Source code

var bool bShowSensingDebug;

bShowSquadDebug Source code

var bool bShowSquadDebug;

bShowTyrionCharacterDebug Source code

var bool bShowTyrionCharacterDebug;

bShowTyrionHeadDebug Source code

var bool bShowTyrionHeadDebug;

bShowTyrionMovementDebug Source code

var bool bShowTyrionMovementDebug;

bShowTyrionWeaponDebug Source code

var bool bShowTyrionWeaponDebug;

bUnobstructedLOF Source code

var bool bUnobstructedLOF;

clientDamageComponentMask Source code

var byte clientDamageComponentMask;

componentBreakThreshold Source code

var float componentBreakThreshold;

damageComponentMask Source code

var byte damageComponentMask;

desiredLocation Source code

var Vector desiredLocation;

effectLogging Source code

var bool effectLogging;

estLocation Source code

var Vector estLocation;

expectedImpactTime Source code

var float expectedImpactTime;

flameDamagePerSecond Source code

var float flameDamagePerSecond;

flameDamageReductionPerSecond Source code

var float flameDamageReductionPerSecond;

flameDamageType Source code

var class<DamageType> flameDamageType;

flameSource Source code

var Pawn flameSource;

healthMaximum Source code

var float healthMaximum;

hearing Source code

var HearingNotifier hearing;

hudType Source code

var string hudType;

lastDetectedTime Source code

var float lastDetectedTime;

lastShotFiredTime Source code

var float lastShotFiredTime;

loaEndPoint Source code

var Vector loaEndPoint;

loaEndPoint2 Source code

var Vector loaEndPoint2;

loaHit Source code

var bool loaHit;

loaStartPoint Source code

var Vector loaStartPoint;

loaStartPoint2 Source code

var Vector loaStartPoint2;

logAlertnessChanges Source code

var bool logAlertnessChanges;

loopingEffects Source code

var Array<String> loopingEffects;

mountAI Source code

var Tyrion_ResourceBase mountAI;

movementForce Source code

var Vector movementForce;

m_lastTeam Source code

var private TeamInfo m_lastTeam;

m_localTeam Source code

var private TeamInfo m_localTeam;

pastPositionsIndex Source code

var int pastPositionsIndex;

pastPositionsTimeAccu Source code

var float pastPositionsTimeAccu;

pastPositions[N_PAST_POSITIONS] Source code

var Vector pastPositions[N_PAST_POSITIONS];

personalShield Source code

var Shield personalShield;

playerControllerState Source code

var Name playerControllerState;

repairers Source code

var array<Character> repairers;

repDepLastRateAddition Source code

var float repDepLastRateAddition;

repDepRepairRate Source code

var float repDepRepairRate;

repPakLastRateAddition Source code

var float repPakLastRateAddition;

repPakRepairRate Source code

var float repPakRepairRate;

sensorUpdateFlag Source code

var bool sensorUpdateFlag;

shotNotifier Source code

var ShotNotifier shotNotifier;

teamSelfIllumSkinName Source code

var Name teamSelfIllumSkinName;

teamSpecificHavokCollisionFiltering Source code

var bool teamSpecificHavokCollisionFiltering;

tickTime Source code

var float tickTime;

tickTimeOrg Source code

var float tickTimeOrg;

tickTimeUpdateRange Source code

var Range tickTimeUpdateRange;

UseablePointsValid[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS] Source code

var EUseablePointValid UseablePointsValid[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS];

UseablePoints[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS] Source code

var Vector UseablePoints[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS];

vehicleAI Source code

var Tyrion_ResourceBase vehicleAI;

vision Source code

var TribesVisionNotifier vision;


AI_LOD_ActivationDistance Source code

var(AI) float AI_LOD_ActivationDistance;
Distance at which AI's go into AILOD_NORMAL state

AI_LOD_DeactivationDistance Source code

var(AI) float AI_LOD_DeactivationDistance;
Distance at which AI's leave AILOD_NORMAL state

AI_LOD_LevelMP Source code

var(AI) Tyrion_ResourceBase.AI_LOD_Levels AI_LOD_LevelMP;
AI Level of detail for MP games

bAIThreat Source code

var(AI) bool bAIThreat;
Is this a rook AI's should shoot at if it's an enemy?

PeripheralVisionZAngle Source code

var(AI) float PeripheralVisionZAngle;
limits of peripheral vision in Z (radians)

reactionDelay Source code

var(AI) float reactionDelay;
Time between spotting a new enemy and actually shooting at it

reactionDelayMP Source code

var(AI) float reactionDelayMP;
Time between spotting a new enemy and actually shooting at it (MP games)

shotAngularDeviation Source code

var(AI) float shotAngularDeviation;
Max angular deviation from ideal line of fire in degrees

shotAngularDeviationMP Source code

var(AI) float shotAngularDeviationMP;
Max angular deviation from ideal line of fire in degrees (MP games)

shotLeadAbility Source code

var(AI) Range shotLeadAbility;
Range from which the multiplier for the shot leading aiming component is chosen; (1,1) is totally accurate leading, numbers less than 1 undershoot, greater than 1 overshoot

shotLeadAbilityMP Source code

var(AI) Range shotLeadAbilityMP;
Range from which the multiplier for the shot leading aiming component is chosen; (1,1) is totally accurate leading, numbers less than 1 undershoot, greater than 1 overshoot (MP games)

SightRadiusToPlayer Source code

var(AI) float SightRadiusToPlayer;
maximum distance at which player characters can be seen

visionMemory Source code

var(AI) float visionMemory;
how long (in seconds) after losing a target does the AI still know where it is?


grapplerRetentionScale Source code

var(Grappler) float grapplerRetentionScale;
Scales breaking force for grapple attached to this object


bAlwaysMarked Source code

var(Rook) bool bAlwaysMarked;

bCanBeSensed Source code

var(Rook) bool bCanBeSensed;

bIsDetectableByEnemies Source code

var(Rook) bool bIsDetectableByEnemies;

bUseAlternateOwnershipMaterial Source code

var(Rook) bool bUseAlternateOwnershipMaterial;

bUseAlternateSelfIllumMaterial Source code

var(Rook) bool bUseAlternateSelfIllumMaterial;

damageComponents Source code

var(Rook) array<DamageComponent> damageComponents;

m_squad Source code

var(Rook) private editdisplay ( displayActorLabel ) editcombotype ( enumSquadInfo ) SquadInfo m_squad;

m_team Source code

var(Rook) protected editdisplay ( displayActorLabel ) editcombotype ( enumTeamInfo ) TeamInfo m_team;
The team that the object belongs to. Note: Base Devices assume the team of the BaseInfo to which they belong

personalShieldClass Source code

var(Rook) class<Shield> personalShieldClass;
Class of regenerating Shield to use, or None to disable personal shields. For Characters this should be set in the Armor class, not here.

radarInfoClass Source code

var(Rook) class<RadarInfo> radarInfoClass;

teamDamagePercentage Source code

var(Rook) float teamDamagePercentage;
Members of this Rook's team can only reduce its health to this percentage of health. Overrides any setting in TeamInfo.


MaxShadowTraceDistance Source code

var(Shadow) float MaxShadowTraceDistance;

ShadowLightDistance Source code

var(Shadow) float ShadowLightDistance;

Enumerations Detail

AlertnessLevels Source code

enum AlertnessLevels

EUseablePointValid Source code

enum EUseablePointValid
UP_Unused, UP_NotValid, UP_Valid

Structures Detail

DamageComponent Source code

struct DamageComponent
var(Rook) name attachmentPoint;
var DynamicObject objectInstance;
var(Rook) class<DynamicObject> objectType;

Bone or socket to attach object to. If None will attach to pivot
Class type of the dynamic object attached at this location

Functions Detail

activatePersonalShield Source code

function activatePersonalShield ( ) )

addRepairFromDeployable Source code

simulated function addRepairFromDeployable ( float repairRate, float accumulationScale) )

addRepairFromPack Source code

simulated function addRepairFromPack ( float repairRate, float accumulationScale, Character repairer) )

ApplyDamage Source code

function ApplyDamage ( Pawn instigatedBy, float Damage, optional Name teamLabel) )

averageVelocity Source code

native function Vector averageVelocity ( )

breakDamageComponent Source code

simulated native final function breakDamageComponent ( int index, float damage, vector momentum )

canBeRepairedBy Source code

simulated function bool canBeRepairedBy ( Rook otherGuy) )

canBeSensed Source code

function bool canBeSensed ( ) )

CanBeUsedBy Source code

simulated function bool CanBeUsedBy ( Character CharacterUser) )

ChunkUp Source code

simulated function ChunkUp ( Rotator HitRotation, class<DamageType> D ) )

cleanupAI Source code

event bool cleanupAI ( ) )

cleanupDamageComponents Source code

simulated function cleanupDamageComponents ( ) )

CleanupSensing Source code

private function CleanupSensing ( ) )

clientUpdateDamageComponents Source code

simulated function clientUpdateDamageComponents ( ) )

createDamageComponent Source code

simulated native final function createDamageComponent ( int index, bool fadeIn )

CreateHearingNotifier Source code

protected function CreateHearingNotifier ( ) )

CreateShotNotifier Source code

protected function CreateShotNotifier ( ) )

CreateVisionNotifier Source code

protected function CreateVisionNotifier ( ) )

damageComponentsOnDamage Source code

native final function damageComponentsOnDamage ( float damage, vector hitLocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType )

damageComponentsOnIncreaseHealth Source code

native final function damageComponentsOnIncreaseHealth ( float quantity )

damageComponentsPostTakeDamage Source code

function damageComponentsPostTakeDamage ( float damage, vector hitLocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType, optional float projectileFactor) )

deactivatePersonalShield Source code

function deactivatePersonalShield ( ) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated function Destroyed ( ) )

Died Source code

function Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation) )

displayActorLabel Source code

function string displayActorLabel ( Actor t) )

displayEnemiesList Source code

function displayEnemiesList ( ) )

displayTyrionDebugHeader Source code

function displayTyrionDebugHeader ( ) )

displayWorldSpaceDebug Source code

function displayWorldSpaceDebug ( HUD displayHUD )

DrawVisionCone Source code

function DrawVisionCone ( HUD DrawTarget) )

EffectIsLooping Source code

simulated function bool EffectIsLooping ( String effect) )

enumSquadInfo Source code

function enumSquadInfo ( Engine.LevelInfo l, out Array<SquadInfo> s) )

enumTeamInfo Source code

function enumTeamInfo ( Engine.LevelInfo l, out Array<TeamInfo> s) )

firingMotor Source code

simulated function IFiringMotor firingMotor ( ) )

generateAISpeechEvents Source code

function generateAISpeechEvents ( Rook attackerRook ) )

getAlertnessLevel Source code

function AlertnessLevels getAlertnessLevel ( ) )

getControllingCharacter Source code

simulated function Character getControllingCharacter ( ) )

getControllingCharacterTeam Source code

simulated function TeamInfo getControllingCharacterTeam ( ) )

GetDamageComponentThresholdRange Source code

simulated function float GetDamageComponentThresholdRange ( ) )

getKillerLabel Source code

simulated function Name getKillerLabel ( ) )

GetObjectiveLocation Source code

simulated function Vector GetObjectiveLocation ( ) )

GetOverlayMaterial Source code

simulated event Material GetOverlayMaterial ( int Index) )

GetRadarInfoClass Source code

simulated function class GetRadarInfoClass ( ) )

getTeamDamagePercentage Source code

function float getTeamDamagePercentage ( ) )

getTeamLabel Source code

simulated function Name getTeamLabel ( ) )

groundPredictedLocation Source code

native function Vector groundPredictedLocation ( float t )

IncreaseHealth Source code

final function IncreaseHealth ( float quantity) )

isFriendly Source code

simulated event bool isFriendly ( Rook otherGuy) )

IsInVisionCone Source code

native function bool IsInVisionCone ( Actor Other, float SightRadius )

OnEffectInitialized Source code

function OnEffectInitialized ( Actor effect) )

OnEffectStarted Source code

function OnEffectStarted ( Actor effect) )

OnEffectStopped Source code

function OnEffectStopped ( Actor effect, bool completed) )

OnShotFired Source code

event OnShotFired ( Projectile projectile ) )

onTeamChange Source code

simulated event onTeamChange ( ) )

personalShieldActive Source code

function bool personalShieldActive ( ) )

PlayEffect Source code

simulated function bool PlayEffect ( String effect, optional String tag, optional Actor other, optional Material material, optional Vector location, optional Rotator rotator) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostNetBeginPlay Source code

simulated event PostNetBeginPlay ( ) )

PostNetReceive Source code

simulated function PostNetReceive ( ) )

PostTakeDamage Source code

function PostTakeDamage ( float Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional float projectileFactor) )

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( ) )

PrecacheDamageComponents Source code

static simulated function PrecacheDamageComponents ( LevelInfo Level, class<Rook> RookClass) )

predictedLocation Source code

native function Vector predictedLocation ( float t )

ProcessBurnDamage Source code

simulated event ProcessBurnDamage ( float delta) )

ProcessRepair Source code

simulated event ProcessRepair ( float delta) )

RegisterHearingNotification Source code

function RegisterHearingNotification ( IHearingNotification Registrant) )

RegisterShotNotification Source code

function RegisterShotNotification ( IShotNotification Registrant) )

RegisterVisionNotification Source code

function RegisterVisionNotification ( IVisionNotification Registrant) )

removeFlameDamage Source code

simulated function removeFlameDamage ( ) )

removeRepairFromDeployable Source code

simulated function removeRepairFromDeployable ( float accumulationScale) )

removeRepairFromPack Source code

simulated function removeRepairFromPack ( float accumulationScale, Character repairer) )

resetPersonalShield Source code

function resetPersonalShield ( ) )

setAlertnessLevel Source code

function setAlertnessLevel ( AlertnessLevels alertness) )

setLimitedTimeLODActivation Source code

event setLimitedTimeLODActivation ( int ticksToKeepActivated ) )

setSquad Source code

function setSquad ( SquadInfo squad) )

setTeam Source code

function setTeam ( TeamInfo info) )

ShouldBeMarked Source code

simulated function bool ShouldBeMarked ( PlayerCharacterController pcc) )

squad Source code

function SquadInfo squad ( ) )

squadCleanupOnDeath Source code

function squadCleanupOnDeath ( Pawn InstigatedBy, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation ) )

StartLoopingEffect Source code

simulated function bool StartLoopingEffect ( String effect, optional String tag, optional Actor other, optional Material material, optional Vector location, optional Rotator rotator) )

StopEffect Source code

simulated function bool StopEffect ( String effect) )

StopLoopingEffect Source code

simulated function bool StopLoopingEffect ( String effect) )

team Source code

simulated function TeamInfo team ( ) )

UnregisterHearingNotification Source code

function UnregisterHearingNotification ( IHearingNotification Registrant) )

UnregisterShotNotification Source code

function UnregisterShotNotification ( IShotNotification Registrant) )

UnregisterVisionNotification Source code

function UnregisterVisionNotification ( IVisionNotification Registrant) )

updateHavokCollisionFilter Source code

simulated native function updateHavokCollisionFilter ( )

updatePastPositions Source code

native function updatePastPositions ( float deltaSeconds )

UpdatePrecacheRenderData Source code

simulated function UpdatePrecacheRenderData ( ) )


	bNetInitialRotation			= true
	bCanBeBaseForPawns			= true
	bIgnoreForces				= true
	bBlockHavok					= true

	LandMovementState			= ""

	bCanBeSensed				= true
	bIsDetectableByEnemies		= true

	bCanRepair					= false
	DrawType					= DT_Mesh

	bShowTyrionCharacterDebug	= false
	bShowTyrionMovementDebug	= false
	bShowTyrionWeaponDebug		= false
	bShowNavigationDebug		= false
	logNavigationSystem			= false
	logTyrion					= false
	logDLM						= false
	logAlertnessChanges			= false
	bShowLOADebug				= false
	bShowJSDebug				= false
	bAcceptsProjectors			= false

	AI_LOD_ActivationDistance	= 6000
	AI_LOD_DeactivationDistance = 8000
	bAIThreat					= true
	shotAngularDeviation		= 0
	shotAngularDeviationMP		= 0
	shotLeadAbility				= (Min=1,Max=1)
	shotLeadAbilityMP			= (Min=1,Max=1)
	reactionDelay				= 0
	reactionDelayMP				= 0
	tickTimeUpdateRange			= (Min=0.095,Max=0.105)
	bUnobstructedLOF			= true

	peripheralVision			= 0.1				
	peripheralVisionZAngle		= 0.7854			
	SightRadius					= 10000.0
	SightRadiusToPlayer			= 12000.0
	VisionUpdateRange			= (Min=0.4,Max=0.6)
	visionMemory				= 15.0

	alertness					= ALERTNESS_Neutral

	radarInfoClass				= class'Gameplay.RadarInfo'

	ShadowLightDistance			= 1200
	MaxShadowTraceDistance		= 600

	teamDamagePercentage		= 0.0
	teamSelfIllumSkinName		= "BaseLumNeutralPanner"

	grapplerRetentionScale      = 1.0
	bAlwaysMarked				= false

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