Overview Package Class Source Class tree Glossary
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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Gameplay.Rook
         +-- Gameplay.BaseDevice

Direct Known Subclasses:

Catapult, DeployedInventoryStation, DeployedRepairer, EmergencyStation, EnergyBarrier, InventoryStation, ObjectSpawnPoint, PlayerSpawnPoint, PowerGenerator, ResupplyStation, SensorTower, ShockMine, SpawnArray, SwitchStation, Turret, VehicleSpawnPoint

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Gameplay.Rook

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Gameplay.Rook
AI_LOD_ActivationDistance, AI_LOD_DeactivationDistance, AI_LOD_deactivation_exemption_ticks, AI_LOD_LevelMP, alertness, attacker, bAIThreat, bAlwaysMarked, bCanBeSensed, bCanRepair, bDeferredAICleanup, bIsDetectableByEnemies, bShowJSDebug, bShowLOADebug, bShowNavigationDebug, bShowSensingDebug, bShowSquadDebug, bShowTyrionCharacterDebug, bShowTyrionHeadDebug, bShowTyrionMovementDebug, bShowTyrionWeaponDebug, bUnobstructedLOF, bUseAlternateOwnershipMaterial, bUseAlternateSelfIllumMaterial, clientDamageComponentMask, componentBreakThreshold, damageComponentMask, damageComponents, desiredLocation, effectLogging, estLocation, expectedImpactTime, flameDamagePerSecond, flameDamageReductionPerSecond, flameDamageType, flameSource, grapplerRetentionScale, healthMaximum, hearing, hudType, lastDetectedTime, lastShotFiredTime, loaEndPoint, loaEndPoint2, loaHit, loaStartPoint, loaStartPoint2, logAlertnessChanges, loopingEffects, MaxShadowTraceDistance, mountAI, movementForce, m_lastTeam, m_localTeam, m_squad, m_team, pastPositionsIndex, pastPositionsTimeAccu, pastPositions[N_PAST_POSITIONS], PeripheralVisionZAngle, personalShield, personalShieldClass, playerControllerState, radarInfoClass, reactionDelay, reactionDelayMP, repairers, repDepLastRateAddition, repDepRepairRate, repPakLastRateAddition, repPakRepairRate, sensorUpdateFlag, ShadowLightDistance, shotAngularDeviation, shotAngularDeviationMP, shotLeadAbility, shotLeadAbilityMP, shotNotifier, SightRadiusToPlayer, teamDamagePercentage, teamSelfIllumSkinName, teamSpecificHavokCollisionFiltering, tickTime, tickTimeOrg, tickTimeUpdateRange, UseablePointsValid[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS], UseablePoints[MAX_USEABLE_POINTS], vehicleAI, vision, visionMemory
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pawn
abilities, AccelRate, AirControl, AirSpeed, AIScriptTag, AI_LOD_Level, AI_LOD_LevelOrig, Alertness, Anchor, AnimAction, AppliedBob, AvgPhysicsTime, BackwardStrafeBias, bAdjacentZoneHearing, bAmbientCreature, BaseEyeHeight, BaseMovementRate, bAvoidLedges, bCachedRelevant, bCanBeBaseForPawns, bCanClimbLadders, bCanCrouch, bCanDoubleJump, bCanFly, bCanJump, bCanStrafe, bCanSwim, bCanWalk, bCanWalkOffLedges, bClientCollision, bCouldSeeLastTick, bCountJumps, bCrawler, bDirectHitWall, bDontPossess, bGroundNavigationObstruction, bHavokCharacterCollisionExtraRadius, bHavokCharacterCollisions, bHavokInitCalled, bHideRegularHUD, bIgnoreForces, bInitializeAnimation, bInvulnerableBody, bIsCrouched, bIsFemale, bIsTyping, bIsWalking, bJumpCapable, bJustLanded, BlendChangeTime, BloodEffect, bLOSHearing, bMuffledHearing, bNoJumpAdjust, bNotifiedDeathListeners, bNoVelocityUpdate, bNoWeaponFiring, Bob, bobtime, bPhysicsAnimUpdate, bPlayedDeath, BreathTime, bReducedSpeed, bRollToDesired, bSameZoneHearing, bSendsDamagedMessages, bSimGravityDisabled, bSimulateGravity, bSpecialCalcView, bSpecialHUD, bSteadyFiring, bStopAtLedges, bThumped, bTryToUncrouch, bUpAndOut, bUpdateEyeHeight, bUpdatingDisplay, bUseCompressedPosition, bWantsToCrouch, bWarping, bWasCrouched, bWasOnGround, bWasWalking, bWeaponBob, CharacterAI, ConstantAcceleration, Controller, ControllerClassName, CrouchedPct, CrouchHeight, CrouchRadius, DamageScaling, DesiredSpeed, DestinationOffset, EyeHeight, Floor, ForwardStrafeBias, goals, GroundSpeed, HeadAI, HeadScale, HeadVolume, Health, HearingThreshold, HitDamageType, JumpZ, LadderSpeed, LandBob, LandMovementState, LastAnchor, LastPainSound, LastPainTime, LastRealViewer, LastStartSpot, LastStartTime, LastValidAnchorTime, LastViewer, logDLM, logNavigationSystem, logTyrion, LowGoreBlood, MaxFallSpeed, MeleeRange, MenuName, MovementAI, MovementAnims[4], MovementBlendStartTime, movementSimProxyPending, movementSimProxyPosition, movementSimProxyRotation, movementSimProxyVelocity, NetRelevancyTime, nextPawn, noise1loudness, noise1other, noise1spot, noise1time, noise2loudness, noise2other, noise2spot, noise2time, OldAcceleration, OldPhysics, OldRotYaw, OldZ, OnLadder, OwnerName, PawnPosition, PeripheralVision, PlayerReplicationInfo, ReducedDamageType, SerpentineDist, SerpentineTime, Shadow, SightRadius, SoundDampening, SpawnTime, SplashTime, TakeHitLocation, TearOffMomentum, TurnLeftAnim, TurnRightAnim, UncrouchTime, UnderWaterTime, Visibility, VisionCounter, VisionUpdateRange, WalkBob, WalkingPct, WaterMovementState, WaterSpeed, WeaponAI

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Gameplay.Rook
AlertnessLevels, EUseablePointValid

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Gameplay.Rook
Inherited Structures from Engine.Pawn
HavokCharacterObjectInteractionEvent, HavokCharacterObjectInteractionResult

Functions Summary
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
function BeginState ()))
functionbool CanBeUsedBy (Character CharacterUser))
function CheckChangeState ()))
function CheckChangeState ()))
function classConstruct ()))
function construct (optional bool _bWasDeployed, optional Character _deployer, optional TeamInfo team, optional vector loc, optional Rotator rot))
function Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation))
function dispatchDeathMessage (Controller Killer))
function EndState ()))
function EndState ()))
function EndState ()))
function EndState ()))
function EndState ()))
function enumBaseInfo (Engine.LevelInfo l, Array<BaseInfo> a))
functionfloat GetDamageComponentThresholdRange ()))
functionstring GetHumanReadableName ()))
functionfloat getTeamDamagePercentage ()))
eventbool isActive ()))
eventbool isAlive ()))
eventbool isDamaged ()))
eventbool isDamagedAtThreshold ()))
eventbool isDisabled ()))
functionbool isFunctional ()))
functionbool isOpenedAnimPlaying (Name animName))
eventbool isPowered ()))
function latentBeginActive ()))
function latentExecuteActive ()))
function latentExecuteInitialization ()))
function LoopBDAnim (name Sequence ))
function onTeamChange ()))
function PlayBDAnim (name Sequence ))
function PlayDamagedDegeneratingEffects ()))
function PlayDamagedEnteredEffects ()))
function PlayDamagedExitedEffects ()))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
function PostLoadGame ()))
function PostTakeDamage (float Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional float projectileFactor))
function setHasPower (bool b))
function setSwitchedOn (bool b))
function Tick (float Delta))
function Tick (float Delta))
function Tick (float Delta))
function Tick (float Delta))
function unifiedAddImpulseAtPosition (Vector impulse, Vector position))
Inherited Functions from Gameplay.Rook
activatePersonalShield, addRepairFromDeployable, addRepairFromPack, ApplyDamage, averageVelocity, breakDamageComponent, canBeRepairedBy, canBeSensed, CanBeUsedBy, ChunkUp, cleanupAI, cleanupDamageComponents, CleanupSensing, clientUpdateDamageComponents, createDamageComponent, CreateHearingNotifier, CreateShotNotifier, CreateVisionNotifier, damageComponentsOnDamage, damageComponentsOnIncreaseHealth, damageComponentsPostTakeDamage, deactivatePersonalShield, Destroyed, Died, displayActorLabel, displayEnemiesList, displayTyrionDebugHeader, displayWorldSpaceDebug, DrawVisionCone, EffectIsLooping, enumSquadInfo, enumTeamInfo, firingMotor, generateAISpeechEvents, getAlertnessLevel, getControllingCharacter, getControllingCharacterTeam, GetDamageComponentThresholdRange, getKillerLabel, GetObjectiveLocation, GetOverlayMaterial, GetRadarInfoClass, getTeamDamagePercentage, getTeamLabel, groundPredictedLocation, IncreaseHealth, isFriendly, IsInVisionCone, OnEffectInitialized, OnEffectStarted, OnEffectStopped, OnShotFired, onTeamChange, personalShieldActive, PlayEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PostTakeDamage, PreBeginPlay, PrecacheDamageComponents, predictedLocation, ProcessBurnDamage, ProcessRepair, RegisterHearingNotification, RegisterShotNotification, RegisterVisionNotification, removeFlameDamage, removeRepairFromDeployable, removeRepairFromPack, resetPersonalShield, setAlertnessLevel, setLimitedTimeLODActivation, setSquad, setTeam, ShouldBeMarked, squad, squadCleanupOnDeath, StartLoopingEffect, StopEffect, StopLoopingEffect, team, UnregisterHearingNotification, UnregisterShotNotification, UnregisterVisionNotification, updateHavokCollisionFilter, updatePastPositions, UpdatePrecacheRenderData
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pawn
AddPawn, AddVelocity, AdjustedStrength, AnimEnd, ApplyDamage, BaseChange, BecomeViewTarget, BeginState, BreathTimer, CanDoubleJump, CanGrabLadder, CannotJumpNow, CanSee, CanSplash, CanThrowWeapon, CanTrigger, ChangeAnimation, ChangedWeapon, checkAlive, CheckBob, checkDead, CheckWaterJump, ChunkUp, classConstruct, ClientDying, ClientMessage, ClientReStart, ClientSetLocation, ClientSetRotation, ClimbLadder, CreateInventory, Destroyed, Died, DisplayDebug, Dodge, DoDoubleJump, DoJump, DrawHUD, DropToGround, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndClimbLadder, EndCrouch, EyePosition, FaceRotation, Falling, FinishedInterpolation, ForceCrouch, Gasp, GetHumanReadableName, GetKillerController, GetViewDirection, GetViewPoint, GetViewRotation, Gibbed, gibbedBy, GiveWeapon, groundPredictedLocation, HavokCharacterCollision, HeadVolumeChange, HitWall, IgnoresSeenPawnsOfType, InCurrentCombo, InGodMode, isAlive, IsFirstPerson, IsHumanControlled, IsInPain, IsLocallyControlled, IsPlayerPawn, JumpOffPawn, JumpOutOfWater, KilledBy, Landed, LandThump, LieStill, LineOfSightTo, ModifyVelocity, NextItem, NotifyKilled, NotifyPawnDeathListeners, PlayDying, PlayDyingSound, PlayFalling, PlayFiring, PlayHit, PlayJump, PlayLanded, PlayLandingAnimation, PlayMoverHitSound, PlayMoving, PlayNextAnimation, PlayTakeHit, PlayTeleportEffect, PlayVictoryAnimation, PlayWaiting, PossessedBy, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostTakeDamage, PreBeginPlay, predictedLocation, PressingAltFire, PressingFire, ReachedDestination, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, ReduceCylinder, rematchGoals, RemovePawn, Reset, SetAnimAction, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetHeadScale, setLimitedTimeLODActivation, SetMesh, SetMovementPhysics, SetViewRotation, SetWalking, ShootSpecial, ShouldCrouch, SpecialCalcView, StartCrouch, StopPlayFiring, SwitchToLastWeapon, TakeDrowningDamage, TakeFallingDamage, Timer, TossWeapon, TouchingWaterVolume, Trigger, UnPossessed, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateRocketAcceleration, WasPlayerPawn, WeaponBob

States Summary
Active Source code
simulated state Active
BeginState, CheckChangeState, EndState, Tick
Damaged Source code
simulated state Damaged extends Active
BeginState, CheckChangeState, EndState
Destructed Source code
simulated state Destructed
BeginState, EndState, Tick
Disabled Source code
simulated state Disabled
BeginState, EndState, Tick
Initialization Source code
auto simulated state Initialization
Unpowered Source code
simulated state Unpowered
BeginState, EndState, Tick

Variables Detail

bCurrentlyDeploying Source code

var bool bCurrentlyDeploying;

bHasOpenAnim Source code

var bool bHasOpenAnim;

bInitialization Source code

var bool bInitialization;

bLoopSavedAnim Source code

var bool bLoopSavedAnim;

bPowered Source code

var protected bool bPowered;

bWasDeployed Source code

var bool bWasDeployed;

deployer Source code

var Character deployer;

lastAttacker Source code

var Pawn lastAttacker;

lastOfflineTime Source code

var int lastOfflineTime;

lastOnlineTime Source code

var int lastOnlineTime;

lastUnderAttackTime Source code

var int lastUnderAttackTime;

m_bSwitchedOn Source code

var protected bool m_bSwitchedOn;

m_ownershipMaterialIdx Source code

var private int m_ownershipMaterialIdx;





savedAnim Source code

var Name savedAnim;


baseDeviceMessageClass Source code

var(BaseDevice) class<MPBaseDeviceMessages> baseDeviceMessageClass;
Messages used in multiplayer to communicate the state of base devices. Leave this blank if you don't want messages on this base device.

damagedHealthThreshold Source code

var(BaseDevice) float damagedHealthThreshold;
Percentage of health when the device plays 'damaged' effects

DestroyedDiffuse Source code

var(BaseDevice) Material DestroyedDiffuse;
Diffuse material that gets swapped in when object is destroyed

destroyedExplosionClass Source code

var(BaseDevice) class<Explosion> destroyedExplosionClass;
Explosion to trigger when the device is destroyed

functionalHealthThreshold Source code

var(BaseDevice) float functionalHealthThreshold;
Percentage of health when the device ceases to function

localizedName Source code

var(BaseDevice) localized string localizedName;
The name that will be displayed when viewing this device

ownerBase Source code

var(BaseDevice) editdisplay ( displayActorLabel ) editcombotype ( enumBaseInfo ) BaseInfo ownerBase;
The BaseInfo that the device belongs to (mandatory). Used to power the device and define team ownership (the 'team' variable is ignored)

secondaryBaseDeviceMessageClass Source code

var(BaseDevice) class<MPSecondaryMessage> secondaryBaseDeviceMessageClass;
Secondary messages used in multiplayer to communicate the state of base devices. Leave this blank if you don't want messages on this base device.

Functions Detail

BeginState Active Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState Damaged Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState Destructed Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState Disabled Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState Initialization Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

BeginState Unpowered Source code

simulated function BeginState ( ) )

CanBeUsedBy Source code

simulated function bool CanBeUsedBy ( Character CharacterUser) )

CheckChangeState Active Source code

simulated function CheckChangeState ( ) )

CheckChangeState Damaged Source code

simulated function CheckChangeState ( ) )

classConstruct Source code

function classConstruct ( ) )

construct Source code

overloaded function construct ( optional bool _bWasDeployed, optional Character _deployer, optional TeamInfo team, optional vector loc, optional Rotator rot) )

Died Source code

function Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation) )

dispatchDeathMessage Source code

function dispatchDeathMessage ( Controller Killer) )

EndState Active Source code

simulated function EndState ( ) )

EndState Damaged Source code

simulated function EndState ( ) )

EndState Destructed Source code

simulated function EndState ( ) )

EndState Disabled Source code

simulated function EndState ( ) )

EndState Unpowered Source code

simulated function EndState ( ) )

enumBaseInfo Source code

function enumBaseInfo ( Engine.LevelInfo l, Array<BaseInfo> a) )

GetDamageComponentThresholdRange Source code

simulated function float GetDamageComponentThresholdRange ( ) )

GetHumanReadableName Source code

simulated function string GetHumanReadableName ( ) )

getTeamDamagePercentage Source code

function float getTeamDamagePercentage ( ) )

isActive Source code

simulated event bool isActive ( ) )

isAlive Source code

simulated event bool isAlive ( ) )

isDamaged Source code

simulated event bool isDamaged ( ) )

isDamagedAtThreshold Source code

simulated event bool isDamagedAtThreshold ( ) )

isDisabled Source code

simulated event bool isDisabled ( ) )

isFunctional Source code

simulated function bool isFunctional ( ) )

isOpenedAnimPlaying Source code

simulated function bool isOpenedAnimPlaying ( Name animName) )

isPowered Source code

simulated event bool isPowered ( ) )

latentBeginActive Source code

simulated latent function latentBeginActive ( ) )

latentExecuteActive Source code

simulated latent function latentExecuteActive ( ) )

latentExecuteInitialization Source code

simulated latent function latentExecuteInitialization ( ) )

LoopBDAnim Source code

simulated function LoopBDAnim ( name Sequence ) )

onTeamChange Source code

simulated function onTeamChange ( ) )

PlayBDAnim Source code

simulated function PlayBDAnim ( name Sequence ) )

PlayDamagedDegeneratingEffects Source code

simulated function PlayDamagedDegeneratingEffects ( ) )

PlayDamagedEnteredEffects Source code

simulated function PlayDamagedEnteredEffects ( ) )

PlayDamagedExitedEffects Source code

simulated function PlayDamagedExitedEffects ( ) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostLoadGame Source code

function PostLoadGame ( ) )

PostTakeDamage Source code

function PostTakeDamage ( float Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional float projectileFactor) )

setHasPower Source code

function setHasPower ( bool b) )

setSwitchedOn Source code

function setSwitchedOn ( bool b) )

Tick Active Source code

simulated function Tick ( float Delta) )

Tick Destructed Source code

simulated function Tick ( float Delta) )

Tick Disabled Source code

simulated function Tick ( float Delta) )

Tick Unpowered Source code

simulated function Tick ( float Delta) )

unifiedAddImpulseAtPosition Source code

function unifiedAddImpulseAtPosition ( Vector impulse, Vector position) )


	bStasis							= false
	bNoDelete						= false
	bUseCompressedPosition			= false
	Mesh							= SkeletalMesh'Editor_res.SkeletalDecoration'
	DrawType						= DT_Mesh
	bEdShouldSnap					= true
	bBlockKarma						= true
	bBlockHavok						= true
	bMovable						= false
	functionalHealthThreshold		= 0.5
	damagedHealthThreshold			= 0.75
	teamDamagePercentage			= -1.0

	bCanBeSensed						= false

	bPowered						= true

	m_bSwitchedOn					= true

	m_ownershipMaterialIdx			= -1

	bNeedPostRenderCallback = true	

Overview Package Class Source Class tree Glossary
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