- Extends
- VotingHandler
- Modifiers
- config
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.VotingHandler
+-- TribesVoting.TribesVotingHandler
Functions Summary |
 | bool | AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string PropertyName))
 | int | AddConfigArrayItem (string ConfigArrayName))
 | | AddVoteReplicationInfo (PlayerController Player))
 | | AdminPlayer (int PlayerIndex))
 | | CloseAllVoteWindows ()))
 | | DeleteConfigArrayItem (string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex))
 | | FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
 | int | GetAccVote (PlayerController Player))
 | string | GetConfigArrayColumnTitle (string ConfigArrayName, int ColumnIndex))
 | string | GetConfigArrayData (string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex))
 | int | GetConfigArrayItemCount (string ConfigArrayName))
 | | GetDefaultMap (out int mapidx, out int gameidx))
 | string | GetDescriptionText (string PropName))
 | MapVoteGameConfigLite | GetGameConfig (int p_GameConfigIndex))
 | MapVoteMapList | GetMapList (int p_MapIndex))
 | int | GetMVRIIndex (PlayerController Player))
 | float | GetPlayerScore (PlayerController Player))
 | | GetServerDetails (out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState ))
 | bool | HandleRestartGame ()))
 | | KickPlayer (int PlayerIndex))
 | | LoadGameTypesInternal ()))
 | | LoadMapList ()))
 | | LoadMapListInternal ()))
 | bool | MatchSetupLogin (string UserID, string Password, Actor Requestor, out int SecLevel))
 | | MatchSetupLogout (Actor Requestor))
 | | OpenAllVoteWindows ()))
 | | PlayerExit (Controller Exiting))
 | | PlayerJoin (PlayerController Player))
 | | PostBeginPlay ()))
 | | PropagateValue (VotingReplicationInfo Sender, string Type, string SettingName, string NewValue ))
 | | ReloadAll (optional bool bParam ))
 | | ReloadMatchConfig (bool bRefreshMaps, bool bRefreshMuts, optional PlayerController Caller ))
 | | SaveAccVotes (int WinningMapIndex, int WinningGameIndex))
 | string | SetupGameMap (MapVoteMapList MapInfo, int GameIndex))
 | | SubmitAdminVote (int PlayerID, Actor Voter))
 | | SubmitKickVote (int PlayerID, Actor Voter))
 | | SubmitMapVote (int MapIndex, int GameIndex, Actor Voter))
 | | SubmitTeamDamageVote (bool vote, Actor Voter))
 | | SubmitTournamentVote (bool vote, Actor Voter))
 | | TallyAdminVotes ()))
 | | TallyKickVotes ()))
 | | TallyMapVotes (bool bForceMapSwitch))
 | | TallyTeamDamageVotes ()))
 | | TallyTournamentVotes ()))
 | | timer ()))
 | | UpdateAdminVoteCount (int PlayerID, int VoteCountDelta))
 | | UpdateConfigArrayItem (string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex, string NewValue))
 | | UpdateKickVoteCount (int PlayerID, int VoteCountDelta))
 | | UpdateTeamDamageVoteCount (int yesVoteDelta, int noVoteDelta))
 | | UpdateTournamentVoteCount (int yesVoteDelta, int noVoteDelta))
 | | UpdateVoteCount (int MapIndex, int GameIndex, int VoteCount))
Inherited Functions from Engine.VotingHandler |
AddConfigArrayItem, DeleteConfigArrayItem, FillPlayInfo, GetConfigArrayColumnTitle, GetConfigArrayData, GetConfigArrayItemCount, GetServerDetails, HandleRestartGame, PlayerExit, PlayerJoin, ReloadAll, UpdateConfigArrayItem |
var bool bLevelSwitchPending;
var bool bMidGameVote;
var string GameConfigPage;
var localized string lmsgAdminMapChange;
var localized string lmsgAdminVote;
var localized string lmsgAdminVoteAdmin;
lmsgAnonymousAdminVote Source code
var localized string lmsgAnonymousAdminVote;
var localized string lmsgAnonymousKickVote;
lmsgGameConfigColumnTitle[6] Source code
var localized string lmsgGameConfigColumnTitle[6];
var localized string lmsgInvalidPassword;
var localized string lmsgKickVote;
var localized string lmsgKickVoteAdmin;
var localized string lmsgMapVotedFor;
lmsgMapVotedForWithCount Source code
var localized string lmsgMapVotedForWithCount;
var localized string lmsgMapWon;
lmsgMatchSetupPermission Source code
var localized string lmsgMatchSetupPermission;
var localized string lmsgMidGameVote;
lmsgSpectatorsCantVote Source code
var localized string lmsgSpectatorsCantVote;
lmsgTeamDamageDisabled Source code
var localized string lmsgTeamDamageDisabled;
var localized string lmsgTeamDamageEnabled;
var localized string lmsgTeamDamageVote;
lmsgTournamentModeDisabled Source code
var localized string lmsgTournamentModeDisabled;
lmsgTournamentModeEnabled Source code
var localized string lmsgTournamentModeEnabled;
var localized string lmsgTournamentVote;
var int MapCount;
var string MapListConfigPage;
var localized string PropDescription[24];
var localized string PropsDisplayText[24];
var int ScoreBoardTime;
var string ServerTravelString;
var int ServerTravelTime;
var string TextMessage;
var int TimeLeft;
bDefaultToCurrentGameType Source code
AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code
static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string PropertyName) )
function int AddConfigArrayItem ( string ConfigArrayName) )
AddVoteReplicationInfo Source code
function CloseAllVoteWindows ( ) )
function DeleteConfigArrayItem ( string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex) )
GetConfigArrayColumnTitle Source code
function string GetConfigArrayColumnTitle ( string ConfigArrayName, int ColumnIndex) )
function string GetConfigArrayData ( string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex) )
GetConfigArrayItemCount Source code
function int GetConfigArrayItemCount ( string ConfigArrayName) )
function GetDefaultMap ( out int mapidx, out int gameidx) )
static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName) )
function bool HandleRestartGame ( ) )
function KickPlayer ( int PlayerIndex) )
private function LoadGameTypesInternal ( ) )
function LoadMapList ( ) )
private function LoadMapListInternal ( ) )
function bool MatchSetupLogin (
string UserID,
string Password,
Actor Requestor, out
int SecLevel) )
function MatchSetupLogout (
Actor Requestor) )
function OpenAllVoteWindows ( ) )
function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
function PropagateValue (
VotingReplicationInfo Sender,
string Type,
string SettingName,
string NewValue ) )
function ReloadAll ( optional bool bParam ) )
function ReloadMatchConfig (
bool bRefreshMaps,
bool bRefreshMuts, optional
PlayerController Caller ) )
function SaveAccVotes ( int WinningMapIndex, int WinningGameIndex) )
function string SetupGameMap (
MapVoteMapList MapInfo,
int GameIndex) )
function SubmitAdminVote (
int PlayerID,
Actor Voter) )
function SubmitKickVote (
int PlayerID,
Actor Voter) )
function SubmitMapVote (
int MapIndex,
int GameIndex,
Actor Voter) )
function SubmitTeamDamageVote (
bool vote,
Actor Voter) )
function SubmitTournamentVote (
bool vote,
Actor Voter) )
function TallyAdminVotes ( ) )
function TallyKickVotes ( ) )
function TallyMapVotes ( bool bForceMapSwitch) )
function TallyTeamDamageVotes ( ) )
function TallyTournamentVotes ( ) )
function UpdateAdminVoteCount ( int PlayerID, int VoteCountDelta) )
function UpdateConfigArrayItem ( string ConfigArrayName, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex, string NewValue) )
function UpdateKickVoteCount ( int PlayerID, int VoteCountDelta) )
UpdateTeamDamageVoteCount Source code
function UpdateTeamDamageVoteCount ( int yesVoteDelta, int noVoteDelta) )
UpdateTournamentVoteCount Source code
function UpdateTournamentVoteCount ( int yesVoteDelta, int noVoteDelta) )
function UpdateVoteCount ( int MapIndex, int GameIndex, int VoteCount) )
PropsDisplayText(0)="Enable Map Voting"
PropsDisplayText(1)="Auto Open GUI"
PropsDisplayText(2)="ScoreBoard Delay"
PropsDisplayText(3)="Score Mode"
PropsDisplayText(4)="Accumulation Mode"
PropsDisplayText(5)="Elimination Mode"
PropsDisplayText(6)="Minimum Maps"
PropsDisplayText(7)="Repeat Limit"
PropsDisplayText(8)="Voting Time Limit"
PropsDisplayText(9)="Mid-Game Vote Percent"
PropsDisplayText(10)="Default Current GameType"
PropsDisplayText(11)="Enable Kick Voting"
PropsDisplayText(12)="Kick Vote Percent"
PropsDisplayText(13)="Anonymous Kick Voting"
PropsDisplayText(14)="Enable Admin Voting"
PropsDisplayText(15)="Admin Vote Percent"
PropsDisplayText(16)="Anonymous Admin Voting"
PropsDisplayText(17)="Enable Team Damage Voting"
PropsDisplayText(18)="Team Damage Vote Percent"
PropsDisplayText(19)="Enable Tournament Voting"
PropsDisplayText(20)="Tournament Vote Percent"
PropsDisplayText(21)="Allow Match Setup"
PropsDisplayText(22)="Game Configuration"
PropsDisplayText(23)="Map List Configuration"
PropDescription(0)="If enabled players can vote for maps."
PropDescription(1)="If enabled the Map voting interface will automatically open at the end of each game."
PropDescription(2)="Sets the number of seconds to delay after the end of each game before opening the voting interface."
PropDescription(3)="If enabled, each player gets his or her score worth of votes."
PropDescription(4)="If enabled, each player will accumulate votes each game until they win."
PropDescription(5)="If enabled, available maps are disabled as they are played until there are X maps left."
PropDescription(6)="The number of enabled maps that remain in the map list (in Elimination mode) before the map list is reset."
PropDescription(7)="Number of previously played maps that should not be votable."
PropDescription(8)="Limits how much time (in seconds) to allow for voting."
PropDescription(9)="Percentage of players that must vote to trigger a Mid-Game vote."
PropDescription(10)="If enabled, and there are no players on the server then the server will stay on the current game type."
PropDescription(11)="If enable players can vote to kick other players."
PropDescription(12)="The percentage of players that must vote against an individual player to have them kicked from the server."
PropDescription(13)="If enabled players can place Kick votes without anyone knowing who placed the vote."
PropDescription(14)="If enable players can vote to Admin other players."
PropDescription(15)="The percentage of players that must vote against an individual player to have them Admined from the server."
PropDescription(16)="If enabled players can place Admin votes without anyone knowing who placed the vote."
PropDescription(17)="If enable players can vote for team damage."
PropDescription(18)="The percentage of players that must vote for/against team damage to have it enabled or disabled."
PropDescription(19)="If enable players can vote for tournament mode."
PropDescription(20)="The percentage of players that must vote for/against tournament mode to have it enabled or disabled."
PropDescription(21)="Enables match setup on the server - valid admin username & password is required in order to use this feature"
PropDescription(22)="Opens the map voting game configuration screen"
PropDescription(23)="Opens the map voting list configuration screen"
lmsgAdminMapChange="Admin has forced map switch to %mapname%"
lmsgMapVotedForWithCount="%playername% has placed %votecount% votes for %mapname%"
lmsgMapVotedFor="%playername% has voted for %mapname%"
lmsgMapWon="%mapname% has won !"
lmsgMidGameVote="Mid-Game Map Voting has been initiated !!!!"
lmsgSpectatorsCantVote="Sorry, Spectators can not vote."
lmsgInvalidPassword="The password entered is invalid !"
lmsgMatchSetupPermission="Sorry, you do not have permission to use Match Setup !"
lmsgKickVote="%playername1% placed a kick vote against %playername2%"
lmsgAnonymousKickVote="A kick vote has been placed against %playername%"
lmsgKickVoteAdmin="%playername% attempted to submit a kick vote against the server administrator !"
lmsgAdminVote="%playername1% placed an admin vote for %playername2%"
lmsgAnonymousAdminVote="An admin vote has been placed for %playername%"
lmsgAdminVoteAdmin="%playername% submitted an admin vote for an existing administrator"
lmsgTeamDamageVote="%playername% placed a vote %type% team damage"
lmsgTournamentVote="%playername% placed a vote %type% tournament mode"
lmsgTournamentModeEnabled="Tournament mode has been enabled by vote"
lmsgTournamentModeDisabled="Tournament mode has been disabled by vote"
lmsgTeamDamageEnabled="Team damage has been enabled by vote"
lmsgTeamDamageDisabled="Team damage has been disabled by vote"
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:37.205 - Created with