- Extends
- TribesMPPanel
+-- GUI.GUIComponent
+-- GUI.GUIMultiComponent
+-- GUI.GUIPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesGUIPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesMPPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesMPGameGuidePanel
var bool bRefreshingFilters;
var bool bShowingMPHelp;
var bool bSuppressMPHelp;
var string joinPassword;
var private string joinURL;
var float LastPatchCheckTime;
var int maxQueryLength;
var localized string noneString;
var int numPlayers;
var int numServers;
var localized string playerCountText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadAuthPasswordText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadParamText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadServerIdText;
bShowUnsupportedVersions Source code
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config bool bShowUnsupportedVersions;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton BuddyButton;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
Texture FavIcon;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
GUIImage FavIconImage;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox FilterBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton FiltersButton;
GamespyLoginSuccessText Source code
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyLoginSuccessText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config int GamespyTimeout;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyTimeoutText;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton JoinServerButton;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
Texture LockedIcon;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
GUIImage LockedIconImage;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton MarkFavoriteButton;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string NoResponse;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton PatchButton;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config float PatchCheckPeriod;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUILabel PlayerCountLabel;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton PropertiesButton;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton RefreshButton;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUILabel ServerCountLabel;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string ServerPasswordText;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
Texture StatsIcon;
var(TribesGUI) protected EditInline Config
GUIImage StatsIconImage;
function AttemptURL (
string URL ) )
function String BuildBuddyFilter ( ) )
ConnectToSelectedServer Source code
function ConnectToSelectedServer ( ) )
private function DoGamespyTeamLogin ( ) )
function FinaliseAttemptURL ( optional
string URL) )
function string getSelectedIPAddress ( ) )
function string getSelectedPort ( ) )
function InternalOnActivate ( ) )
function InternalOnDeActivate ( ) )
function InternalOnHide ( ) )
function InternalOnShow ( ) )
OnGamespyLoginScreenCancel Source code
private function OnGamespyLoginScreenCancel ( ) )
OnGamespyLoginScreenLogin Source code
private function OnGamespyLoginScreenLogin ( ) )
OnGamespyTeamLoginResult Source code
private function OnGamespyTeamLoginResult ( bool succeeded, String ResponseData) )
OnGamespyTeamLoginScreenCancel Source code
private function OnGamespyTeamLoginScreenCancel ( ) )
OnGamespyTeamLoginScreenLogin Source code
private function OnGamespyTeamLoginScreenLogin ( ) )
function OnQueryPatchResult (
bool bNeeded,
bool bMandatory,
string versionName,
string URL) )
OnServerListUpdateComplete Source code
function OnServerListUpdateComplete ( bool bLAN) )
OnServerPropertiesConnect Source code
private function OnServerPropertiesConnect ( String ipAddress, String Port) )
function RefreshFilters ( ) )
private function ShowGamespyLogin ( ) )
private function ShowGamespyTeamLogin ( ) )
function StartListUpdate ( ) )
function toggleFavorite ( ) )
function UpdateCountLabels ( ) )
protected function UpdateProfile ( string teamTag, string teamName) )
GamespyTimeoutText="Error: a request to the Gamespy service timed out."
GamespyTimeout = 30
ServerPasswordText="This server is password protected. Please enter the password."
GamespyLoginSuccessText="You successfully logged in to your team."
BadAuthPasswordText="Team login failed: The password is not correct for that team."
BadParamText="Team login failed: A bad parameter was sent to the server."
NoResponse="Team login failed: Unable to get a response from the team login server"
BadServerIdText="Server connection: A bad server id was detected"
PlayerCountText="%1 players online"
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:36.595 - Created with