- Extends
- TribesGUIPage
+-- GUI.GUIComponent
+-- GUI.GUIMultiComponent
+-- GUI.GUIPage
+-- TribesGUI.TribesGUIPage
+-- TribesGUI.TribesGamespyLogin
Direct Known Subclasses:
Inherited Functions from GUI.GUIPage |
Activate, ChangeHint, DeActivate, DlgReturned, Free, HandleParameters, Hide, InitComponent, NotifyLevelChange, onGameplayMessage, OnProgress, OpenDlg, Show |
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig string AcceptedGamespyChars;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config
GUIButton ActionButton;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig int ActionTimeout;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadAuthEmailText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadAuthNickText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadAuthPasswordText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadEmailText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadNickText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string BadPasswordText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config
GUIButton CancelButton;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config
GUIEditBox EditEmail;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config
GUIEditBox EditNick;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline Config
GUIEditBox EditPassword;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyConnectingText;
GamespyCreateSuccessText Source code
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyCreateSuccessText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyEmailTakenText;
GamespyLoginSuccessText Source code
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyLoginSuccessText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GamespyTimeoutText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string GeneralFailureText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig int InitTimeout;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string InvalidCharacterText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string NoGamespyText;
var(TribesGui) protected EditInline GlobalConfig localized string PasswordMismatchText;
delegate OnCancel ( )
delegate OnSuccess ( )
protected function FillProfile ( int id) )
private function GamespyLogin ( ) )
function bool InternalOnKeyEvent ( out
byte Key, out
byte State,
float delta) )
function InternalOnShow ( ) )
private function InternalPopupOk ( int Selection, optional string Passback ) )
private function OnGamespyTimeout ( ) )
OnPerformGamespyAction Source code
protected function OnPerformGamespyAction ( ) )
function SetupGamespyVars ( ) )
protected function bool Validate ( ) )
private function bool VerifyGamespyInput ( string s) )
BadNickText="The nickname you entered is invalid or contains invalid characters."
BadEmailText="The email address you entered is invalid."
BadPasswordText="The password you entered is invalid."
PasswordMismatchText="The 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields must match."
NoGamespyText="Error: could not initialize the Gamespy service."
GamespyTimeoutText="Error: a request to the Gamespy service timed out."
GamespyEmailTakenText="Error: the email you entered has already been registered to another user. Please enter a different email or log-in with your existing account."
GamespyCreateSuccessText="Your stat-tracking account has been created."
GamespyLoginSuccessText="You successfully logged in to the stat-tracking service."
BadAuthNickText="An account with that nickname was not found. Please enter a valid nickname or create a new account."
BadAuthEmailText="An account with that email address was not found. Please enter a valid email address or create a new account."
BadAuthPasswordText="The password is not correct for that account. Please enter the correct password or create a new account."
GeneralFailureText="There was an error while performing the requested operation."
GamespyConnectingText="Connecting to Gamespy..."
InvalidCharacterText="The first letter of your email login is invalid. Please change it."
} |
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:36.110 - Created with