Overview | Package | Class | Source | Class tree | Glossary | UnrealScript Documentation |
previous class next class | frames no frames |
Core.Object | +-- Engine.Actor | +-- Engine.Info | +-- Engine.LocalMessage | +-- Gameplay.TribesLocalMessage | +-- Gameplay.MPGameAnnouncerMessages
Variables Summary |
Inherited Variables from Gameplay.TribesLocalMessage |
announcements |
Inherited Variables from Engine.LocalMessage |
bBeep, bCenter, bComplexString, bFadeMessage, bFromBottom, bIsConsoleMessage, bIsSpecial, bIsUnique, bOffsetYPos, ChildMessage, DrawColor, FontSize, Lifetime, XPos, YPos |
Structures Summary |
Inherited Structures from Gameplay.TribesLocalMessage |
announcement |
Functions Summary |
Inherited Functions from Gameplay.TribesLocalMessage |
ClientReceive, GetString |
Inherited Functions from Engine.LocalMessage |
AssembleString, ClientReceive, GetColor, GetConsoleColor, GetFontSize, GetLifeTime, GetOffset, GetRelatedString, GetString, RenderComplexMessage |
Defaultproperties |
defaultproperties { announcements(0)=(effectEvent=WonMatch,speechTag="WINMATCH",debugString="%1 win the match.") announcements(1)=(effectEvent=WonRound,speechTag="WINROUND",debugString="%1 win the round.") announcements(2)=(effectEvent=TieMatch,speechTag="MATCHTIE",debugString="") announcements(3)=(effectEvent=,speechTag="TIME60",debugString="") announcements(4)=(effectEvent=,speechTag="TIME10",debugString="") announcements(5)=(effectEvent=,speechTag="GAMEON",debugString="") } |
Overview | Package | Class | Source | Class tree | Glossary | UnrealScript Documentation |
previous class next class | frames no frames |