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00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 |
//===================================================================== // AI_SkiTo // Forces an AI to ski to a point on the map //===================================================================== class AI_SkiTo extends AI_MovementAction editinlinenew; //===================================================================== // Variables var(Parameters) editinline Name jetToPointName "A path node label the AI will jet to before skiing (can be empty)"; var(Parameters) editinline Name destinationName "A path node label"; var(Parameters) Character.SkiCompetencyLevels skiCompetency "How well the AI can ski"; var(Parameters) Character.JetCompetencyLevels jetCompetency "How well the AI can jetpack"; var(Parameters) float terminalDistanceXY "How close the AI must get to its destination in XY"; var(Parameters) float terminalDistanceZ "How close the AI must get to its destination in Z"; var(Parameters) float energyUsage "How much energy the AI must have when the action completes"; var(Parameters) float terminalVelocity "How fast the AI should be going when it reaches its destination"; var(Parameters) float terminalHeight "How high above the ground the AI should be when it reaches its destination"; var(InternalParameters) editconst Vector jetToPoint; var(InternalParameters) editconst Vector destination; var ACT_ErrorCodes errorCode; // errorcode from child action var Actor node; //===================================================================== // Functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callbacks from Navigation System actions function actionSucceededCB( NS_Action child ) { super.actionSucceededCB( child ); errorCode = ACT_SUCCESS; } function actionFailedCB( NS_Action child, ACT_ErrorCodes anErrorCode ) { super.actionFailedCB( child, anErrorCode ); errorCode = anErrorCode; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- function cleanup() { super.cleanup(); AI_Controller(resource.pawn().controller).bSkiTo = false; } //===================================================================== // State code state Running { Begin: if ( jetToPointName != '' ) { node = resource.pawn().findStaticByLabel( class'Pathfinding.PlacedNode', jetToPointName ); if ( node == None ) { log( "AI WARNING:" @ name @ "(" @ resource.pawn().name @ ") can't find specified path node" @ destinationName ); fail( ACT_INVALID_PARAMETERS, true ); } jetToPoint = node.Location; } if ( destinationName != '' ) { node = resource.pawn().findStaticByLabel( class'Pathfinding.PlacedNode', destinationName ); if ( node == None ) { log( "AI WARNING:" @ name @ "(" @ resource.pawn().name @ ") can't find specified path node" @ destinationName ); fail( ACT_INVALID_PARAMETERS, true ); } destination = node.Location; } if ( resource.pawn().logTyrion ) log( name @ "started." @ resource.pawn().name @ "is jetting to" @ jetToPoint @ "and the skiing to" @ destination @ "(dist:" @ VDist( destination, resource.pawn().Location ) @ ")" ); AI_Controller(resource.pawn().controller).bSkiTo = true; if ( jetToPoint != vect(0,0,0) ) waitForAction( class'NS_DoLocalMove'.static.startAction( AI_Controller(resource.pawn().controller), self, jetToPoint, false,, skiCompetency, jetCompetency,, energyUsage, terminalVelocity, terminalHeight, terminalDistanceXY, terminalDistanceZ, true, true )); waitForAction( class'NS_DoLocalMove'.static.startAction( AI_Controller(resource.pawn().controller), self, destination, false,, skiCompetency, jetCompetency,, energyUsage, terminalVelocity, terminalHeight, terminalDistanceXY, terminalDistanceZ, false, true )); if ( resource.pawn().logTyrion ) log( name @ "(" @ resource.pawn().name @ ") stopped with errorCode" @ errorCode ); if ( errorCode != ACT_SUCCESS ) fail( errorCode ); else succeed(); } //===================================================================== defaultproperties { satisfiesGoal = class'AI_SkiToGoal' } |
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