Overview | Package | Class | Source | Class tree | Glossary | UnrealScript Documentation |
previous class next class | frames no frames |
00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 00123 00124 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129 00130 00131 00132 00133 00134 00135 00136 00137 00138 00139 00140 00141 00142 00143 00144 00145 00146 00147 00148 00149 00150 00151 00152 00153 00154 00155 00156 00157 00158 00159 00160 00161 00162 00163 00164 00165 00166 00167 00168 00169 00170 00171 00172 00173 00174 00175 00176 00177 00178 00179 00180 00181 00182 00183 00184 00185 00186 00187 00188 00189 00190 00191 00192 00193 00194 00195 00196 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 00203 00204 00205 00206 00207 00208 00209 00210 00211 00212 00213 00214 00215 00216 00217 00218 00219 00220 00221 00222 00223 00224 00225 00226 00227 00228 00229 00230 00231 00232 00233 00234 00235 00236 00237 00238 00239 00240 00241 00242 00243 00244 00245 00246 00247 00248 00249 00250 00251 00252 00253 00254 00255 00256 00257 00258 00259 00260 00261 00262 00263 00264 00265 00266 00267 00268 00269 00270 00271 00272 00273 00274 00275 00276 00277 00278 00279 00280 00281 00282 00283 00284 00285 00286 00287 00288 00289 00290 00291 00292 00293 00294 00295 00296 00297 00298 00299 00300 00301 00302 00303 00304 00305 00306 00307 00308 00309 00310 00311 00312 00313 00314 00315 00316 00317 00318 00319 00320 00321 00322 00323 00324 00325 00326 00327 00328 00329 00330 00331 00332 00333 00334 00335 00336 00337 00338 00339 00340 00341 00342 00343 00344 00345 00346 00347 00348 00349 00350 00351 00352 00353 00354 00355 00356 00357 00358 00359 00360 00361 00362 00363 00364 00365 00366 00367 00368 00369 00370 00371 00372 00373 00374 00375 00376 00377 00378 00379 00380 00381 00382 00383 00384 00385 00386 00387 00388 00389 00390 00391 00392 00393 00394 00395 00396 00397 00398 00399 00400 00401 00402 00403 00404 00405 00406 00407 00408 00409 00410 00411 00412 00413 00414 00415 00416 00417 00418 00419 00420 00421 00422 00423 00424 00425 00426 00427 00428 00429 00430 00431 00432 00433 00434 00435 00436 00437 00438 00439 00440 00441 00442 00443 00444 00445 00446 00447 00448 00449 00450 00451 00452 00453 00454 00455 00456 00457 00458 00459 00460 00461 00462 00463 00464 00465 00466 00467 00468 00469 00470 00471 00472 00473 00474 00475 00476 00477 00478 00479 00480 00481 00482 00483 00484 00485 00486 00487 00488 00489 00490 00491 00492 00493 00494 00495 00496 00497 00498 00499 00500 00501 00502 00503 00504 00505 00506 00507 00508 00509 00510 00511 00512 00513 00514 00515 00516 00517 00518 00519 00520 00521 00522 00523 00524 00525 00526 00527 00528 00529 00530 00531 00532 00533 00534 00535 00536 00537 00538 00539 00540 00541 00542 00543 00544 00545 00546 00547 00548 00549 00550 00551 00552 00553 00554 00555 00556 00557 00558 00559 00560 00561 00562 00563 00564 00565 00566 00567 00568 00569 00570 00571 00572 00573 00574 00575 00576 00577 00578 00579 00580 00581 00582 00583 00584 00585 00586 00587 00588 00589 00590 00591 00592 00593 00594 00595 00596 00597 00598 00599 00600 00601 00602 00603 00604 00605 00606 00607 00608 00609 00610 00611 00612 00613 00614 00615 00616 00617 00618 00619 00620 00621 00622 00623 00624 00625 00626 00627 00628 00629 00630 00631 00632 00633 00634 00635 00636 00637 00638 00639 00640 00641 00642 00643 00644 00645 00646 00647 00648 00649 00650 00651 00652 00653 00654 00655 00656 00657 00658 00659 00660 00661 00662 00663 00664 00665 00666 00667 00668 00669 00670 00671 00672 00673 00674 00675 00676 00677 00678 00679 00680 00681 00682 00683 00684 00685 00686 00687 00688 00689 00690 00691 00692 00693 00694 00695 00696 00697 00698 00699 00700 00701 00702 00703 00704 00705 00706 00707 00708 00709 00710 00711 00712 00713 00714 00715 00716 00717 00718 00719 00720 00721 00722 00723 00724 00725 00726 00727 00728 00729 00730 00731 00732 00733 00734 00735 00736 00737 00738 00739 00740 00741 00742 00743 00744 00745 00746 00747 00748 00749 00750 00751 00752 00753 00754 00755 00756 00757 00758 00759 00760 00761 00762 00763 00764 00765 00766 00767 00768 00769 00770 00771 00772 00773 00774 00775 00776 00777 00778 00779 00780 00781 00782 00783 00784 00785 00786 00787 00788 00789 00790 00791 00792 00793 00794 00795 00796 00797 00798 00799 00800 00801 00802 00803 00804 00805 00806 00807 00808 00809 00810 00811 00812 00813 00814 00815 00816 00817 00818 00819 00820 00821 00822 00823 00824 00825 00826 00827 00828 00829 00830 00831 00832 00833 00834 00835 00836 00837 00838 00839 00840 00841 00842 00843 00844 00845 00846 00847 00848 00849 00850 00851 00852 00853 00854 00855 00856 00857 00858 00859 00860 00861 00862 00863 00864 00865 00866 00867 00868 00869 00870 00871 00872 00873 00874 00875 00876 00877 00878 00879 00880 00881 00882 00883 00884 00885 00886 00887 00888 00889 00890 |
// ==================================================================== // Class: GUI.GUIComponent // // GUIComponents are the most basic building blocks of menus. // // Written by Joe Wilcox // (c) 2002, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved // ==================================================================== /*============================================================================= In Game GUI Editor System V1.0 2003 - Irrational Games, LLC. * Dan Kaplan =============================================================================*/ #if !IG_GUI_LAYOUT #error This code requires IG_GUI_LAYOUT to be defined due to extensive revisions of the origional code. [DKaplan] #endif /*===========================================================================*/ class GUIComponent extends GUI Config(TribesGui) PerObjectConfig HideCategories(Menu,Object) Native; cpptext { virtual void UpdateComponent(UCanvas* Canvas); //Performs an update, refreshing the component's dims, etc.; should be overridden in a subclass virtual void PreDraw(UCanvas *Canvas); // Should be overridden in a subclass virtual void Draw(UCanvas* Canvas); // Should be overridden in a subclass void ClientDraw(UCanvas* Canvas); // Prepare the Canvas for a client to draw on the component, and then call delegateOnClientDraw virtual void Modify(); //callback from the object browser virtual UBOOL PerformHitTest(INT MouseX, INT MouseY); // Check to see if a mouse press affects the control virtual void UpdateBounds(); // Updates the Bounds for hit tests and such virtual FLOAT ActualWidth(); // Returns the actual width (including scaling) of a component virtual FLOAT ActualHeight(); // Returns the actual height (including scaling) of a component virtual FLOAT ActualLeft(); // Returns the actual left (including scaling) of a component virtual FLOAT ActualTop(); // Returns the actual top (including scaling) of a component virtual void SaveCanvasState(UCanvas* Canvas); // Save the current state of the canvas virtual void RestoreCanvasState(UCanvas* Canvas); // Restores the state of the canvas virtual UGUIComponent* UnderCursor(FLOAT MouseX, FLOAT MouseY); virtual UBOOL MouseMove(INT XDelta, INT YDelta); // The Mouse has moved virtual UBOOL MousePressed(UBOOL IsRepeat); // The Mouse was pressed virtual UBOOL MouseReleased(); // The Mouse was released virtual UBOOL MouseHover(); // The Mouse is over a non-pressed thing virtual UBOOL NativeKeyType(BYTE& iKey, TCHAR Unicode ); // Handle key presses virtual UBOOL NativeKeyEvent(BYTE& iKey, BYTE& State, FLOAT Delta); // Handle key events virtual void SetDims(FLOAT Width, FLOAT Height, FLOAT Left, FLOAT Top); // Set the dims quickly virtual void CloneDims(UGUIComponent* From); // Clones the Width,Height, Top, Left settings virtual UBOOL SpecialHit(); virtual UBOOL XControllerEvent(int Id, eXControllerCodes iCode); virtual UBOOL RawXController(int Id, BYTE& iKey, BYTE& State, FLOAT Axis); } // Used for Determining a dynamic position for this GUIComponent struct sDynamicPositionSpec { var() config float WinLeft "Left position of this spec"; var() config float WinTop "Top position of this spec"; var() config float WinWidth "Width of this spec"; var() config float WinHeight "Height of this spec"; var() config float TransitionTime "The amount of time that will be taken to transition to these coords on a RePosition() call"; var() config name KeyName "Name used to reference this position spec"; }; // Used to specify a dynamic transition for this GUIComponent struct sTransitionSpec { var() EditConst sDynamicPositionSpec NewPos "New position spec"; var() EditConst float OldWinLeft "Left position of this spec"; var() EditConst float OldWinTop "Top position of this spec"; var() EditConst float OldWinWidth "Width of this spec"; var() EditConst float OldWinHeight "Height of this spec"; }; // Variables var(GUIComponent) config editinline array<sDynamicPositionSpec> MovePositions "The PositionSpecs used to handle dynamic RePosition()ing"; var(GUIState) EditConst bool bRepositioning "If true, the timer for this component should be repositioning based on the current TransitionSpec"; var(GUIState) EditConst EditInline sTransitionSpec TransitionSpec "The current transitioning spec"; var(GUIComponent) config int CyclePosition "If set to a MovePositions index, the component will begin cycling from that index when activated"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bRepeatCycling "If set, this component will continue cycling after it processes to the end of the MovePositions array"; var(GUIState) EditConst int MoveGroup "What move group this component belongs to, -1 by default is none"; var(GUIState) Editinline EditConst GUIComponent MenuOwner "Callback to the Component that owns this one"; var(GUIState) EditConst eMenuState MenuState "Used to determine the current state of this component"; var(GUIState) Editinline EditConst array<GUIComponent> UndoHistory "Layout history used for undo/redo operations"; var(GUIState) EditConst int UndoLevel "Where in the undo history we currently are"; var(GUIState) EditConst bool bSaved "Have any updates to this component been saved?"; var(GUIState) EditConst bool bInited "has this component been initialized yet"; // RenderStyle and MenuColor are usually pulled from the Parent menu, unless specificlly overridden var(GUIComponent) config string StyleName "Name of my Style"; var(GUIComponent) config float WinTop,WinLeft "Where does this component exist (in world space) - Grr.. damn Left()"; var(GUIComponent) config float WinWidth,WinHeight "Where does this component exist (in world space) - Grr.. damn Left()"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bScaled "Is this component using scaling"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bBoundToParent "Use the Parents Bounds for all positioning"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bScaleToParent "Use the Parent for scaling"; //global visibility switch var(GUIComponent) config bool bCanBeShown "Should this control ever be drawn"; //global input switch var(GUIComponent) config bool bAcceptsInput "Does this control ever accept input"; //specific input type switches var(GUIComponent) config bool bCaptureTabs "This control wants tabs"; //TODO: dkaplan- this does not like it would work correctly... should be redesigned or removed var(GUIComponent) config bool bCaptureMouse "Set this if the control should capture the mouse when pressed"; //process MousePressed()/MouseReleased()/Watched() //should this always swallow input var(GUIComponent) config bool bSwallowAllKeyEvents "Set this if the control should swallow all native key events"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bHitTestOnClientBounds "Set this if the control should perform hit tests using the client bounds instead of the bounds"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bAllowHTMLTextFormatting "If true, this control will parse out HTML style formatting codes from text strings"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bDrawStyle "If true, this control will draw its GUIStyle before any further drawing"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bNeverFocus "This control should never fully receive focus"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bRepeatClick "Have the system accept holding down of the mouse"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bRequireReleaseClick "If True, this component wants the click on release even if it's not active"; var(GUIComponent) config localized string Hint "The hint that gets displayed for this component"; var(GUIComponent) config int MouseCursorIndex "The mouse cursor to use when over this control"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bHideMouseCursor "If true, no mouse cursor will be displayed over this control (while the control is active)"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bTabStop "Does a TAB/Shift-Tab stop here"; var(GUIComponent) config int TabOrder "Used to figure out tabbing"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bFocusOnWatch "If true, watching focuses"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bMaintainFocus "If true, will not lose focus after a new control recieves focus"; var(GUIComponent) config float RenderWeight "Used to determine sorting in the controls stack"; var(GUIComponent) config bool bMouseOverSound "Should component bleep when mouse goes over it"; var(GUIComponent) private Editinline GUIComponent FocusInstead "Who should get the focus instead of this control if bNeverFocus"; //from GUIPage, now all components may be persistent var(GUIComponent) config bool bPersistent "If set, component is saved across open/close/reopen, only instanciated once."; var(GUIState) EditConst bool bVisible "Is this component currently visible"; var(Menu) enum EClickSound { CS_None, CS_Click, CS_Edit, CS_Up, CS_Down } OnClickSound; // Style holds a pointer to the GUI style of this component. var(GUIState) Editinline EditConst GUIStyles Style "My GUI Style"; // Notes about the Top/Left/Width/Height : This is a somewhat hack but it's really good for functionality. If // the value is <=1, then the control is considered to be scaled. If they are >1 they are considered to be normal world coords. // 0 = 0, 1 = 100% var float Bounds[4]; // Internal normalized positions in world space var float ClientBounds[4]; // The bounds of the actual client area (minus any borders) var(GUIState) Editconst bool bActiveInput "is active for input"; var(GUIState) private Editconst bool bDirty "When true, will update the component on its next PreDraw"; // Timer Support var const int TimerIndex; // For easier maintenance var(GUIState) Editconst bool bTimerRepeat "Does the Timer Repeat?"; var(GUIState) Editconst float TimerCountdown "Clock time"; var(GUIState) Editconst float TimerInterval "Timer interval"; #if IG_TRIBES3 // dbeswick: variable used to disallow movement in player design mode var(GUIState) Editconst bool bPlayerMoveAllowed; #endif #if IG_TRIBES3 // michaelj: don't allow repeated mouse click effect triggers when holding fire on a button var bool bAllowPressedEffect; #endif // Used for Saving the last state before drawing natively var float SaveX,SaveY; var color SaveColor; var font SaveFont; var byte SaveStyle; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These are used solely for XController events and should probably be removed [dkaplan] // // If you want to override a link to force this component to point to a given // component on your page, set it here. // 0 = Up // 1 = Down // 2 = Left // 3 = Right var GUIComponent LinkOverrides[4]; var GUIComponent Links[4]; var(GUIComponent) Editinline config GUIRadioButton RadioGroup "If not None, this component will be enabled/disabled as part of the specified radio group."; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delegates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Drawing delegates return true if you want to short-circuit the default drawing code Delegate bool OnUpdateComponent(Canvas Canvas) { return false; } Delegate bool OnPreDraw(Canvas Canvas) { return false; } Delegate bool OnDraw(Canvas Canvas) { return false; } Delegate OnClientDraw(Canvas Canvas); Delegate OnMenuStateChanged(GUIComponent Sender, eMenuState NewState); //Called when a component's state changes Delegate OnHide(); //Called after a Hide() Delegate OnShow(); //Called after a Show() Delegate OnActivate(); //Called after an Activate() Delegate OnDeActivate(); //Called after a DeActivate() Delegate OnChange(GUIComponent Sender); // Called when a component changes it's value Delegate OnRePositionCompleted(GUIComponent Sender, name NewPosLabel); // Called when a repositioning finishes Delegate OnHitTest(float MouseX, float MouseY); // Called when Hit test is performed for mouse input Delegate OnRender(canvas Canvas); // Called when the component is rendered Delegate OnMessage(coerce string Msg, float MsgLife); // When a message comes down the line // -- Input event delegates Delegate OnClick(GUIComponent Sender); // The mouse was clicked on this control Delegate OnDblClick(GUIComponent Sender); // The mouse was double-clicked on this control Delegate OnRightClick(GUIComponent Sender); // Control was right clicked. Delegate OnMousePressed(GUIComponent Sender); // Sent when a mouse is pressed (initially) Delegate OnMouseRelease(GUIComponent Sender); // Sent when the mouse is released. Happens before Click() event Delegate OnWatched(GUIComponent Self); // Sent when the mouse is placed over this component Delegate OnFocused(GUIComponent Self) // Sent when the component gains focus, assign to apply a specific focus { //change FocusInstead's state to focused instead of this if( FocusInstead != None ) { FocusInstead.Focus(); } else { Controller.ChangeFocus(self); } } Delegate OnLostFocus(GUIComponent Self); // Sent when the component loses focus Delegate bool OnCapturedMouseMove(float deltaX, float deltaY) { return false; } //Key events Delegate bool OnKeyType(out byte Key, optional string Unicode) { return false; } Delegate bool OnKeyEvent(out byte Key, out byte State, float delta) { return false; } // Allows a control to process raw Console controller events Delegate bool OnRawXController(byte Id, out byte Key, out byte State, out float Axis) { return false; } // XBox Controller Events Delegate bool OnXControllerEvent(byte Id, eXControllerCodes iCode) { return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Timer Processing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// event Timer(); // Should be subclassed function native final SetTimer(float Interval, optional bool bRepeat); function native final KillTimer(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Overloaded Function Construct(GUIController MyController) { OnConstruct(MyController); } function OnConstruct(GUIController MyController) { Controller = MyController; } function InitComponent(GUIComponent MyOwner) { //log("[dkaplan] Resetting config on "$self); ResetConfig(); //Loads the transient references from the config data for this object MenuOwner = MyOwner; if( Hint == "" && MenuOwner != None ) Hint = MenuOwner.Hint; Style = Controller.GetStyle(StyleName); //perform the initial update SetDirty(); if( Controller.bModAuthor ) SaveLayoutToHistory(); bInited = true; } function InitDelegates(); event final SetDirty() { bDirty = true; if( MenuOwner != none ) MenuOwner.SetDirty(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input Events //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// event MousePressed() { if( Style != None ) PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('UIMousePressed',,,,,,,,Style.EffectCategory); Press(); // michaelj: UIFX if (bAllowPressedEffect) { PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('Pressed',,,,,,,,Name(StyleName)); bAllowPressedEffect = false; } OnMousePressed(self); } event MouseReleased() { if( Style != None ) PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('UIMouseReleased',,,,,,,,Style.EffectCategory); //Focus(); // michaelj: UIFX PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('Released',,,,,,,,Name(StyleName)); bAllowPressedEffect = true; OnMouseRelease(self); } event Click() { if( Style != None ) PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('UIMouseClicked',,,,,,,,Style.EffectCategory); OnClick(self); } event DblClick() { if( Style != None ) PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('UIMouseDoubleClicked',,,,,,,,Style.EffectCategory); OnDblClick(self); } //State selections event Watched() { if( Style != None ) PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('UIMouseWatched',,,,,,,,Style.EffectCategory); if( bFocusOnWatch ) MenuStateChange( MSAT_Focused ); else MenuStateChange( MSAT_Watched ); // michaelj: UIFX PlayerOwner().TriggerEffectEvent('Watched',,,,,,,,Name(StyleName)); OnWatched(self); } event Focus() { if( bNeverFocus ) MenuStateChange( MSAT_Blurry ); else MenuStateChange( MSAT_Focused ); } event Press() { MenuStateChange( MSAT_Pressed ); } function SetEnabled(bool newEnabled) { if (newEnabled) EnableComponent(); else DisableComponent(); } event DisableComponent() { MenuStateChange( MSAT_Disabled ); } event EnableComponent() { MenuStateChange( MSAT_Blurry ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script Bounds Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function bool IsInBounds() // Script version of PerformHitTest { return ( (Controller.MouseX >= Bounds[0] && Controller.MouseX<=Bounds[2]) && (Controller.MouseY >= Bounds[1] && Controller.MouseY <=Bounds[3]) ); } function bool IsInClientBounds() { return ( (Controller.MouseX >= ClientBounds[0] && Controller.MouseX<=ClientBounds[2]) && (Controller.MouseY >= ClientBounds[1] && Controller.MouseY <=ClientBounds[3]) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // State Changes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Change the MenuState // Menu states are used to determine the state of the component and also // for drawing applicable GUIStyles private function MenuStateChange(eMenuState Newstate) { if( NewState==MSAT_Focused ) { //log("[dkaplan] OnFocused: "$self); OnFocused(self); } else if( MenuState == MSAT_Focused && NewState ==MSAT_Pressed && bMaintainFocus ) { // do not transition to being pressed if maintaining focus return; } else if( MenuState == MSAT_Focused && NewState != MSAT_Pressed ) { //log("[dkaplan] OnLostFocus: "$self); OnLostFocus(self); } if( MenuState == NewState ) return; MenuState = NewState; OnMenuStateChanged(self,MenuState); } function SetFocusInstead( GUIComponent other ) { FocusInstead = other; if( MenuOwner != None ) MenuOwner.SetFocusInstead( self ); } function LoseFocus() { if( !bMaintainFocus #if IG_TRIBES3 // Paul: Don't want to enable a disabled component on a focus event && MenuState != MSAT_Disabled #endif ) EnableComponent(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Activation and Visibility switches //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// event SetVisibility(bool newVisible) { if (newVisible) Show(); else Hide(); } event Hide() { bVisible = false; OnHide(); } event Show() { if( !bCanBeShown ) return; //always update once when shown SetDirty(); bVisible = true; OnShow(); } event SetActive(bool bActive) { //this should be just a helper function, and shouldn't do any real work if (bActive) Activate(); else Deactivate(); } event DeActivate() { bActiveInput = false; OnDeActivate(); if( CyclePosition >= 0 && CyclePosition < MovePositions.Length ) StopCycling(); } event Activate() { //ensure that this can be made active if( !bAcceptsInput ) return; bActiveInput = true; OnActivate(); if( CyclePosition >= 0 && CyclePosition < MovePositions.Length ) CyclePositions(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repositioning of Component //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cycle to the next position in the MovePositions array function CyclePositions() { CyclePosition++; if( CyclePosition >= MovePositions.Length ) { if( bRepeatCycling ) CyclePosition = 0; else StopCycling(); } RePositionTo( MovePositions[CyclePosition] ); } //Stop all cycling on this component function StopCycling() { CyclePosition = -1; KillTimer(); } //Callback when component has finished moving to a MovePosition event RePositionCompleted() { OnRePositionCompleted(self, TransitionSpec.NewPos.KeyName); if( CyclePosition >= 0 && CyclePosition < MovePositions.Length ) CyclePositions(); } //Reposition this component to the position specified by the given KeyName function RePosition( name PositionLabel, optional bool bInstantly ) { local int i; for( i = 0; i < MovePositions.Length; i++ ) { if( PositionLabel == MovePositions[i].KeyName ) { if( bInstantly ) { bRepositioning = false; WinLeft = MovePositions[i].WinLeft; WinTop = MovePositions[i].WinTop; WinWidth = MovePositions[i].WinWidth; WinHeight = MovePositions[i].WinHeight; TransitionSpec.NewPos=MovePositions[i]; RePositionCompleted(); } else { RePositionTo( MovePositions[i] ); } return; } } } //Actually reposition this component to the specified PositionSpec protected function RePositionTo( sDynamicPositionSpec NewPosition ) { TransitionSpec.OldWinLeft=WinLeft; TransitionSpec.OldWinTop=WinTop; TransitionSpec.OldWinHeight=WinHeight; TransitionSpec.OldWinWidth=WinWidth; TransitionSpec.NewPos=NewPosition; bRepositioning = true; if (TransitionSpec.NewPos.TransitionTime > 0) SetTimer( TransitionSpec.NewPos.TransitionTime ); else //reposition instantly { bRepositioning = false; WinLeft = NewPosition.WinLeft; WinTop = NewPosition.WinTop; WinWidth = NewPosition.WinWidth; WinHeight = NewPosition.WinHeight; SetDirty(); RePositionCompleted(); } } function bool IsAtPosition( name PositionLabel ) { local int i; for( i = 0; i < MovePositions.Length; i++ ) { if( PositionLabel == MovePositions[i].KeyName ) { return( WinLeft == MovePositions[i].WinLeft && WinTop == MovePositions[i].WinTop && WinWidth == MovePositions[i].WinWidth && WinHeight == MovePositions[i].WinHeight ); } } return false; } //tcohen: notification when resolution changes function RegisterNotifyResolutionChanged() { Controller.RegisterNotifyResolutionChanged(self); } function OnResolutionChanged(int OldResolutionX, int OldResolutionY, int ResolutionX, int ResolutionY); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miscellaneous //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This control is no longer needed event Free( optional bool bForce ) { local int i; if( bPersistent && !bForce ) return; bActiveInput = false; bVisible = false; if( Controller != None ) Controller.RemovePersistentComponent( self ); MenuOwner = None; Controller = None; FocusInstead = None; Style = None; for( i = 0; i < UndoHistory.Length; i++ ) { UndoHistory[i].Free(bForce); UndoHistory[i] = None; } UndoHistory.Remove( 0, UndoHistory.Length ); RadioGroup = None; } //utility function to get the player's owner function PlayerController PlayerOwner() { return Controller.ViewportOwner.Actor; } // Force control to use same area as its MenuOwner. function FillOwner() { WinLeft = 0.0; WinTop = 0.0; WinWidth = 1.0; WinHeight = 1.0; bScaleToParent = true; bBoundToParent = true; SetDirty(); } //set a new hint for this component function SetHint(string NewHint) { Hint = NewHint; } function SetLinks(GUIComponent cUp,GUIComponent cDown,GUIComponent cLeft,GUIComponent cRight) { Links[0] = cUp; Links[1] = cDown; Links[2] = cLeft; Links[3] = cRight; } function SetLinkOverrides(GUIComponent cUp,GUIComponent cDown,GUIComponent cLeft,GUIComponent cRight) { LinkOverrides[0] = cUp; LinkOverrides[1] = cDown; LinkOverrides[2] = cLeft; LinkOverrides[3] = cRight; } // The ActualXXXX functions are not viable until after the first render so don't // use them in inits native function float ActualWidth(); native function float ActualHeight(); native function float ActualLeft(); native function Float ActualTop(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Radio Groups //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SetRadioGroup( GUIRadioButton group ) { if( RadioGroup != None ) SetEnabled( RadioGroup == group ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI Editor Functions on this component //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //save layout to config file function SaveLayout(bool FlushToDisk) { SaveConfig( "", "", // these are needed when IG_GUI_LAYOUT || IG_ACTOR_CONFIG is defined FlushToDisk , true // dont save config that's the same as the class' default ); bSaved=true; } //update the history for this component function SaveLayoutToHistory() { local int i; if( UndoLevel+1 < UndoHistory.length ) UndoHistory.Remove(UndoLevel+1,UndoHistory.length-(UndoLevel+1)); i = UndoHistory.length; UndoHistory[i]=new(None) self.class; self.CopyConfig( UndoHistory[i] ); //save current config variables to this history component } //Update the component from the current undo level in history function LoadLayoutFromHistory() { UndoHistory[UndoLevel].CopyConfig( self ); Style = Controller.GetStyle(StyleName); } //Goes back to the previous history level function UndoLayout() { assertWithDescription( UndoLevel > 0, "Cannot perform Undo on this component!"); //log("[dkaplan]: Undoing, UndoLevel="@UndoLevel@"UndoHistory.length="@UndoHistory.length); if( UndoLevel > 0 ) { UndoLevel-=1; LoadLayoutFromHistory(); } } //Goes foraward to the next history level function RedoLayout() { assertWithDescription( UndoLevel < UndoHistory.length-1, "Cannot perform Redo on this component!"); //log("[dkaplan]: Redoing, UndoLevel="@UndoLevel@"UndoHistory.length="@UndoHistory.length); if( UndoLevel < UndoHistory.length-1 ) { UndoLevel+=1; LoadLayoutFromHistory(); } } //change the style of this component (based of the key name of the style) event ChangeStyle(String newStyle) { StyleName=newStyle; Style = Controller.GetStyle(StyleName); OnChangeLayout(); } //handle layout changes on this component event OnChangeLayout() { //log("[dkaplan]: in OnChangeLayout-> WinTop="@WinTop@"WinLeft="@WinLeft@"WinWidth="@WinWidth@"WinHeight="@WinHeight); //update history SetDirty(); #if IG_TRIBES3 // dbeswick: don't undo during player edit if( !Controller.bPlayerDesignMode ) { SaveLayoutToHistory(); UndoLevel=UndoHistory.length-1; } #else SaveLayoutToHistory(); UndoLevel=UndoHistory.length-1; #endif bSaved=false; } #if IG_TRIBES3 // michaelj: Added some color-related code from UT2004 // Take a string and strip out colour codes static function string StripColorCodes(string InString) { local int CodePos; CodePos = InStr(InString, Chr(27)); // while(CodePos != -1 && CodePos < Len(InString)-3) // ignore colour codes at the end of the string while ( CodePos != -1 ) // do not ignore color codes at the end of the word, or they aren't stripped { InString = Left(InString, CodePos)$Mid(InString, CodePos+4); CodePos = InStr(InString, Chr(27)); } return InString; } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defaults for all GUIComponents //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// defaultproperties { MenuState=MSAT_Blurry bBoundToParent=true bScaleToParent=true bAcceptsInput=true bCanBeShown=true bCaptureTabs=false bCaptureMouse=false bNeverFocus=false bRepeatClick=false WinTop=0.4 WinLeft=0.4 WinWidth=0.2 WinHeight=0.2 MouseCursorIndex=0 bFocusOnWatch=false bRequireReleaseClick=false TimerIndex=-1 bMouseOverSound=false OnClickSound=CS_None RenderWeight=0.5 bTabStop=false UndoLevel=0 bSaved=true MoveGroup=-1 CyclePosition=-1 bScaled=True bDrawStyle=false bAllowPressedEffect=true } |
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