- Extends
- TribesWebQueryHandler
+-- Engine.TribesAdminBase
+-- TribesWebAdmin.TribesWebQueryHandler
+-- TribesWebAdmin.TribesWebQueryAdmins
Functions Summary |
 | string | FixPrivs (WebRequest Request, string oldprivs))
 | string | GetGroupOptions (TribesAdminGroupList Groups, string grpsel))
 | string | GetGroupsForBrowse (WebResponse Response))
 | string | GetPrivsHeader (string privs, string text, bool cond, string tag))
 | string | GetPrivsItem (string privs, string text, bool cond, string tag, optional bool bReadOnly))
 | string | GetPrivsTable (string privs, optional bool bNoEdit))
 | string | GetUsersForBrowse (WebResponse Response))
 | string | MakePrivsTable (TribesPrivilegeBase PM, string privs, bool bNoEdit))
 | ObjectArray | ManagedUsers ()))
 | bool | Query (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryAdminsFrame (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryAdminsMenu (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryGroupsAddPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryGroupsBrowsePage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryGroupsEditPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUserAccountPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersAddPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersBrowsePage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersEditPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersGroupsPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersHomePage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
 | | QueryUsersMGroupsPage (WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response))
var config string AdminsIndexPage;
var config string GroupsAddPage;
var config string GroupsBrowsePage;
var config string GroupsEditPage;
var localized string NoteAccountPage;
var localized string NoteGroupAccessPage;
var localized string NoteGroupAddPage;
var localized string NoteGroupEditPage;
var localized string NoteGroupsBrowsePage;
var localized string NoteMGroupAccessPage;
var localized string NoteUserAddPage;
var localized string NoteUserEditPage;
var localized string NoteUserHomePage;
var localized string NoteUsersBrowsePage;
var config string UsersAccountPage;
var config string UsersAddPage;
var config string UsersBrowsePage;
var config string UsersEditPage;
var config string UsersGroupsPage;
var config string UsersHomePage;
var config string UsersMGroupsPage;
var array<string> rows;
function string FixPrivs (
WebRequest Request,
string oldprivs) )
function string GetGroupsForBrowse (
WebResponse Response) )
function string GetPrivsHeader ( string privs, string text, bool cond, string tag) )
function string GetPrivsItem ( string privs, string text, bool cond, string tag, optional bool bReadOnly) )
function string GetPrivsTable ( string privs, optional bool bNoEdit) )
function string GetUsersForBrowse (
WebResponse Response) )
Title="Admins & Groups"
NoteUserHomePage="Welcome to Admins & Groups Management"
NoteAccountPage="Here you can change your password if required. You can also see which privileges were assigned to you by your manager."
NoteUserAddPage="As an Admin of this server you can add new Admins and give them privileges. Make sure that the password assigned to the new Admin is not easy to hack."
NoteUserEditPage="As an Admin of this server you can modify informations and privileges for another Admin that you can Manage."
NoteUsersBrowsePage="Here you can see other Admins that you can manage and modify their privilege and groups assignment."
NoteGroupAddPage="You can create new groups which will have a common set of privileges. Groups are used to give the same privileges to multiple Admins."
NoteGroupEditPage="You can modify which privileges were assigned to this group. Note that you can only change privileges that you have yourself."
NoteGroupsBrowsePage="Here you can see all the groups that you can manage, click on a group name to modify it."
NoteGroupAccessPage="Here you can decide in which groups the selected admin will be part of. This will decide which base privileges this admin will have."
NoteMGroupAccessPage="Here you can decide which groups this admin will be able to manage. He will be able to assign other admins to this group."
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:37.224 - Created with