- Extends
- TribesSettingsPanel
- Modifiers
- native
+-- GUI.GUIComponent
+-- GUI.GUIMultiComponent
+-- GUI.GUIPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesGUIPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesSettingsPanel
+-- TribesGUI.TribesOptionsVideoPanel
var bool bExiting;
var bool bIsDataDirty;
var bool bTimerHack;
var int InitialRenderDetail;
var string LastResolution;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton ApplyButton;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox BMDBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUISlider BrightnessSlider;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized string ChangesText;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUISlider ContrastSlider;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox DecoBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIButton DefaultsButton;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized Array<string> DetailChoices;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox DSDBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox FluidBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox FogBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUISlider GammaSlider;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox GlowDBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox MacroBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized Array<string> OnOffChoices;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox PS2Box;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox RenderDetailBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized Array<string> RenderDetailChoices;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized string ResFailedText;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox ResolutionBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized string ResSwitchedText;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config localized string SwitchingResText;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox TexDBox;
var(TribesGui) private EditInline Config
GUIComboBox WorldBox;
function ApplyVidSettings ( ) )
GetRenderDetailSetting Source code
InternalOnConfirmApplyDlgReturned Source code
function InternalOnConfirmApplyDlgReturned ( int Button, string Passback) )
function InternalOnDlgReturned ( int Button, string Passback) )
function InternalOnHide ( ) )
function InternalOnShow ( ) )
function LoadSettings ( bool UpdateRes) )
function OnOptionsEnding ( ) )
function bool OnOwnerTabSwitch (
GUIPanel Target) )
function OnPostPrecache ( ) )
function OnSettingsDirty ( ) )
function OnVideoApplyFinished ( ) )
native function RestoreDefaults ( )
function SetRenderDetail ( bool save) )
SetRenderDetailSetting Source code
function SetRenderDetailSetting ( string cmd, int idx) )
function TryResSwitch ( ) )
SwitchingResText="The screen's resolution will now be changed. If you experience problems, wait 15 seconds and the resolution setting will be restored."
ResSwitchedText="Press OK to keep this resolution setting."
ChangesText="Changes to video settings will be lost unless they are applied. Would you like to apply them now?"
ResFailedText="Your video card is unable to display the game at that resolution. The next closest match has been selected. Press OK to keep this resolution."
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:36.801 - Created with