- Extends
- AdminBase
- Modifiers
- Within Engine.PlayerController
+-- Engine.AdminBase
+-- TribesAdmin.AdminIni
Inherited Structures from Core.Object |
BoundingVolume, Box, Color, CompressedPosition, Coords, GameSpyServerData, Guid, IntegerRange, InterpCurve, InterpCurvePoint, MatCoords, Matrix, Plane, Quat, Range, RangeVector, Rotator, Scale, Vector |
Functions Summary |
 | bool | CanPerform (string priv))
 | | Created ()))
 | | DisableTournamentMode (string Cmd ))
 | | DoLogin (string Username, string Password ))
 | | DoLogout ()))
 | | DoPromote (PlayerController Target))
 | | DoSwitch (string URL))
 | | EnableTournamentMode (string Cmd ))
 | PlayerController | FindController (string playerNameOrId))
 | string | FindGameType (string GameType))
 | | ForceStart (string Cmd ))
 | | Game (string Cmd, string Extra ))
 | | GetMapList (string Cmd, string Extra ))
 | | GotoNextMap ()))
 | bool | IsNumeric (string Param, optional bool bPositiveOnly))
 | | Kick (string Cmd, string Extra ))
 | | Map (string Cmd ))
 | bool | MaskedCompare (string SettingName, string Mask))
 | | Mutators (string Cmd, string Extra))
 | | PlayerList ()))
 | | RemoveJoinPassword (string Cmd ))
 | string | ReplaceTag (string from, string tag, coerce string value))
 | | RestartMap ()))
 | | SendLoggedList ()))
 | | SendUserList (string mask))
 | | SetJoinPassword (string Cmd ))
 | | SetTeamDamage (string Cmd ))
 | | SetTimeLimit (string Cmd ))
 | | Spectify (string Cmd ))
 | array<string> | SplitParams (string Params))
 | | Switch (string URL ))
 | | TeamChange (string Cmd ))
 | | User (string Cmd, string Extra))
Inherited Functions from Core.Object |
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, AllClasses, AllEditableProperties, Allocate, AllProperties, AppSeconds, Asc, Asin, AssertWithDescription, Atan, BeginState, CanSLog, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClassConstruct, ClassIsChildOf, ClockwiseFrom, CommonBase, Construct, Cos, Cross, DecodeFromURL, Disable, Div, Dot, DynamicFindObject, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EncodeForURL, EndState, Eval, Exp, FClamp, FindObject, FlushConfig, FMax, FMin, FRand, GetAxes, GetBuildNumber, GetEnum, GetMinCompatibleBuildNumber, GetPropertyText, GetStateName, GetSuperClass, GetUnAxes, GotoState, Hash, HasUnicode, InStr, InterpCurveEval, InterpCurveGetInputDomain, InterpCurveGetOutputRange, Inverse, Invert, IsA, IsInState, IsNearlyZero, IsUTracing, IsValidForURL, IsZero, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Log, Loge, LogGuardStack, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NullReferences, OrthoRotation, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, Repl, replaceStr, ResetConfig, Right, RotRand, SaveConfig, SetPropertyText, SetUTracing, Sin, Sleep, SLog, Smerp, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticSaveConfig, StrCmp, Tan, VDist, VDistSquared, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSquared, VSizeSquared2D, Warn, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~= |
var localized string Msg_AddedMapToList;
var localized string Msg_AddedMutator;
var localized string Msg_AlreadyEdited;
var localized string Msg_ChangingMapTo;
var localized string Msg_EditFailed;
var localized string Msg_EditingCancelled;
var localized string Msg_EditingClass;
var localized string Msg_EditingCompleted;
var localized string Msg_ErrAddingMutator;
Msg_ErrRemovingMutator Source code
var localized string Msg_ErrRemovingMutator;
Msg_FinishGameEditFirst Source code
var localized string Msg_FinishGameEditFirst;
var localized string Msg_FinishGameRestart;
var localized string Msg_ForceStart;
var localized string Msg_GameNoSupportBots;
var localized string Msg_MapIsInRotation;
Msg_MapListNeedGameEdit Source code
var localized string Msg_MapListNeedGameEdit;
var localized string Msg_MapNotInRotation;
var localized string Msg_MapRotationList;
var localized string Msg_MustEndGameEdit;
var localized string Msg_MutNeedGameEdit;
var localized string Msg_NextMapNotFound;
var localized string Msg_NoAddNamedBot;
var localized string Msg_NoBotGameFull;
var localized string Msg_NoBotsPlaying;
var localized string Msg_NoMapInRotation;
var localized string Msg_NoMapsAdded;
var localized string Msg_NoMapsFound;
var localized string Msg_NoMapsRemoved;
var localized string Msg_NoMutatorInUse;
var localized string Msg_NoParamsFound;
var localized string Msg_NotEditing;
var localized string Msg_NoUnusedMuts;
var localized string Msg_ParamModified;
var localized string Msg_ParamNotModified;
var localized string Msg_PlayerBanned;
var localized string Msg_PlayerKicked;
var localized string Msg_PlayerList;
var localized string Msg_PlayerSpectified;
Msg_RemovedMapFromList Source code
var localized string Msg_RemovedMapFromList;
var localized string Msg_RemovedMutator;
var localized string Msg_SessionBanned;
var localized string Msg_SetBotNeedVal;
var localized string Msg_StatsNoBots;
Msg_TeamDamageDisabled Source code
var localized string Msg_TeamDamageDisabled;
var localized string Msg_TeamDamageEnabled;
var localized string Msg_TimeLimitChanged;
Msg_TourneyModeDisabled Source code
var localized string Msg_TourneyModeDisabled;
Msg_TourneyModeEnabled Source code
var localized string Msg_TourneyModeEnabled;
var localized string Msg_UnknownParam;
var protected string NextGameType;
var protected string NextMutators;
protected function bool CanPerform ( string priv) )
event Created ( ) )
exec function DisableTournamentMode ( string Cmd ) )
function DoLogin ( string Username, string Password ) )
function DoLogout ( ) )
function DoSwitch ( string URL) )
exec function EnableTournamentMode ( string Cmd ) )
protected function string FindGameType ( string GameType) )
exec function ForceStart ( string Cmd ) )
exec function Game ( string Cmd, string Extra ) )
exec function GetMapList ( string Cmd, string Extra ) )
function GotoNextMap ( ) )
function bool IsNumeric ( string Param, optional bool bPositiveOnly) )
exec function Kick ( string Cmd, string Extra ) )
exec function Map ( string Cmd ) )
protected function bool MaskedCompare ( string SettingName, string Mask) )
exec function Mutators ( string Cmd, string Extra) )
exec function PlayerList ( ) )
exec function RemoveJoinPassword ( string Cmd ) )
function string ReplaceTag ( string from, string tag, coerce string value) )
exec function RestartMap ( ) )
protected function SendLoggedList ( ) )
protected function SendUserList ( string mask) )
exec function SetJoinPassword ( string Cmd ) )
exec function SetTeamDamage ( string Cmd ) )
exec function SetTimeLimit ( string Cmd ) )
exec function Spectify ( string Cmd ) )
function array<string> SplitParams ( string Params) )
exec function Switch ( string URL ) )
exec function TeamChange ( string Cmd ) )
exec function User ( string Cmd, string Extra) )
Msg_PlayerList="Player List:"
Msg_FinishGameEditFirst="You must finish your Game Edit before restarting the map"
Msg_FinishGameRestart="You must finish your Game Edit before changing or restarting the map"
Msg_GameNoSupportBots="The current Game Type does not support Bots"
Msg_StatsNoBots="Cannot control bots when Worlds Stats are enabled"
Msg_NextMapNotFound="Next Map Not Found, Restarting Same Map"
Msg_ChangingMapTo="Changing Map to %NextMap%"
Msg_PlayerBanned="%Player% has been Banned from this server"
Msg_SessionBanned="%Player% has been Banned for this match"
Msg_PlayerKicked="%Player% has been kicked"
Msg_NoBotGameFull="Cannot add a bot, Game is full"
Msg_NoAddNamedBot="Can Only Add Named Bots once the Match has Started"
Msg_NoBotsPlaying="No Bots are currently playing"
Msg_SetBotNeedVal="This Command Requires a Numeric Value between 0 and 32"
Msg_MutNeedGameEdit="You must use 'Game Edit' command before 'Mutators' commands"
Msg_NoMutatorInUse="No Mutators in use"
Msg_NoUnusedMuts="Found No Unused Mutators"
Msg_AddedMutator="Added '%Mutator%' To Used Mutator List"
Msg_ErrAddingMutator="Error Adding '%Mutator%'To Used Mutator List"
Msg_RemovedMutator="Removed '%Mutator%' From Used Mutator List"
Msg_ErrRemovingMutator="Error Removing '%Mutator%' From Used Mutator List"
Msg_MapListNeedGameEdit="You must use 'Game Edit' command before 'MapList' command"
Msg_MapRotationList="List of maps in rotation for %Game%"
Msg_NoMapInRotation="No Maps in rotation list"
Msg_NoMapsAdded="No Maps Added to the List"
Msg_AddedMapToList="Added '%Map%' To Map Rotation List"
Msg_NoMapsRemoved="No Maps Removed from the List"
Msg_RemovedMapFromList="Removed '%Map%' From Map Rotation List"
Msg_NoMapsFound="No Maps were Found"
Msg_MapIsInRotation="Map '%Map%' Is In Map Rotation List"
Msg_MapNotInRotation="Map '%Map%' Is Not In Map Rotation List"
Msg_MustEndGameEdit="You must end your Game Edit first"
Msg_EditingClass="Editing %Class%"
Msg_EditFailed="Failed Starting To Edit"
Msg_AlreadyEdited="Game Already being edited by Someone Else"
Msg_NotEditing="You are not editing Game Settings, use 'Game Edit' first"
Msg_EditingCompleted="Editing Completed"
Msg_EditingCancelled="Editing Cancelled"
Msg_UnknownParam="Unknown Parameter : %Value%"
Msg_NoParamsFound="No Parameters found!"
Msg_ParamModified="Modification SuccessFull"
Msg_ParamNotModified="Could not Modify Parameter"
Msg_PlayerSpectified="%Player% has been put into spectator mode"
Msg_TimeLimitChanged="The time limit has been changed to %Value%"
Msg_TourneyModeEnabled="Tournament mode has been enabled"
Msg_TourneyModeDisabled="Tournament mode has been disabled"
Msg_ForceStart="The match has been forced to start"
Msg_TeamDamageEnabled="Team damage has been enabled"
Msg_TeamDamageDisabled="Team damage has been disabled"
Creation time: st 23.5.2018 00:10:26.395 - Created with