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00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 |
class clientReplication extends Engine.LevelInfo config(tribesmodSettings); /* * Time Stamp: 15-04-15 19:05:37 */ /* * This class is spawned on every client's machine (as well as on the server) and is SUPPOSED to force the modifications made in the server's tribesmodSettings.ini file to be applied onto the client"s tribesmod package. * I have not yet managed to make variable replication work, so for now, this class only allows the client to change their own flag's texture. */ var config bool UseNewFlagTextures; var config Material BEFlagTexture; var config Material PNXFlagTexture; var config Material IMPFlagTexture; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); log("Tribesmod :: SPAWNING NEW CLIENTREPLICATION CLASS"); InitializeFlagtexture(); InitializeGrenadeLauncher(); InitializeMortar(); if(!class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.useDefaultBurner){InitializePlasmaGun();} ClientSaveProperties(); } simulated function ClientSaveProperties() { /* * This will create a tribesmodSettings.ini file in the client's AND server's Program/Bin directory with the variables and values of this class. * The mod will also read the values of the variables from the tribesmodSettings.ini file rather than the ones defined in defaultproperties. */ SaveConfig(); } simulated function InitializeFlagtexture() { /* * Change the client's default flag textures by ovewriting the default material in TV"s GameClasses package */ if (UseNewFlagTextures) { /* * Due to the very nature of config variables, clients can modify the values of their own tribesmod package. In this case, clients can decide what new texture they want the flags to have, * regardless of the settings set on the server. Although this is a rather good thing for the clients to change their own flag textures, * it can cause some issues with the other config variables such as projectile velocities or firerates. Client"s can luckily not cheat by changing the mod's variables, the server will always have the final say, * but this will often lead to the client incorrectly rendering what is happening in the game world (client rendering the projectiles at incorrect speeds, glitches, bugs etc...). * To prevent synchronization issues, we would have to find a way to sync the server's variables with the client. UnrealScript"s Variable replication could possibly provide an answer to this. */ class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagImperial'.default.Skins[0] = IMPFlagTexture; class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagImperial'.default.Skins[1] = IMPFlagTexture; class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagBeagle'.default.Skins[0] = BEFlagTexture; class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagBeagle'.default.Skins[1] = BEFlagTexture; class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagPhoenix'.default.Skins[0] = PNXFlagTexture; class'GameClasses.CaptureFlagPhoenix'.default.Skins[1] = PNXFlagTexture; log("Tribesmod.clientReplication :: Flag Textures replicated"); } } simulated function InitializeGrenadeLauncher() { class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.radiusDamageAmt = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.damage; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.radiusDamageMomentum = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.knockback; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.radiusDamageSize = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.damageAOE; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.FuseTimer = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.projFuseTimer; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.LifeSpan = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.projLifeSpan; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.GravityScale = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.projGravityScale; class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.Mass = class'tmodProjectileGrenadeLauncher'.default.projMass; log("Tribesmod.clientReplication :: GrenadeLauncher properties replicated"); } simulated function InitializeMortar() { class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.radiusDamageAmt = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.damage; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.radiusDamageMomentum = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.knockback; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.radiusDamageSize = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.damageAOE; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.FuseTimer = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.projFuseTimer; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.LifeSpan = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.projLifeSpan; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.GravityScale = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.projGravityScale; class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.Mass = class'tmodProjectileMortar'.default.projMass; log("Tribesmod.clientReplication :: Mortar properties replicated"); } simulated function InitializePlasmaGun() { class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.damageAmt = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.damage; class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.radiusDamageSize = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.damageAoe; class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.knockbackAliveScale = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.knockback; class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.bDeflectable = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.canBeDeflected; class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.LifeSpan = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.PlasmaLifeSpan; class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.ignitionDelay = class'tmodProjectilePlasma'.default.PlasmaLifeSpan; log("Tribesmod.clientReplication :: PlasmaGun properties replicated"); } simulated function InitializeChainGun() { class'tmodProjectileChaingun'.default.damageAmt = class'tmodProjectileChaingun'.default.damage; class'tmodProjectileChaingun'.default.LifeSpan = class'tmodProjectileChaingun'.default.projLifeSpan; } // TODO ************************ BLASTER REPLICATION ************************ simulated event Destroyed() { log("******************* DESTROYED CLIENTREPLICATION CLASS *******************"); } defaultproperties { UseNewFlagTextures = true BEFlagTexture=Shader'MPGameObjects.HologramBeagleFalbackShader' PNXFlagTexture=Shader'MPGameObjects.HologramPhoenixFalbackShader' IMPFlagTexture=Shader'MPGameObjects.HologramImperialFalbackShader' RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy bStatic = false bNoDelete = false bNetNotify = true } |
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